chapter 299

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Jeremy completely called off the wedding without even considering rescheduling.

If it weren't for Braden, his son with Victoria, and the fact that Victoria had once saved his life, he would have ended things with her completely.

However, he had made promises to her after she saved his life, and now he felt forever indebted to her.

After seeing what he had done to their first child with Elsa on CCTV and remembering how he failed to protect Elsa in prison, where she lost the baby, Jeremy couldn't bring himself to hold Braden.

He couldn't even look at the son he had with Victoria.

To make matters worse, the child was born on the same day as his daughter with Elsa, whom he never witnessed being born, saw the baby after her birth, or saw her when she was in her mother's stomach.

The last time he saw Elsa, her stomach was still flat, so he never saw her baby bump. And that was his fault.

Thinking about the miscarriage and his daughter, he couldn't find it in himself to hold Braden, who resembled him so much.

This is how Jeremy shut everyone out, including his own mother, who whenever he saw her, he remembered how he witnessed her shoving Elsa so hard that her knife wound reopened. But what was that compared to what Jeremy himself did to Elsa? How could he be angry at his mother when he was the one who took Elsa out of the hospital and brought her there to be bullied?

He had promised Elsa he would protect her, and he had broken that promise.

Jeremy cherished the glass bottle necklace that Elsa had given him. He held it tightly every night as he listened to her voice message.

Listening to Elsa's voice was the only time he could get a wink of sleep. But even then, he would dream about Elsa the entire night.

Jeremy needed to find a way to express his emotions and feelings, and since he wasn't willing to open up to anyone, he decided to write them down.

DAY 1: "You died on purpose, didn't you? So I wouldn't forget you and always think about you? You are smart. Indeed, you are very smart. But I am going to forget you soon. Soon, I'll stop thinking about you."

DAY 2: "I am so mad at you, Elsa. Why did you die? What kind of cruel punishment is this? Was this your plan all along? To just die on me?"

DAY 3: "This is not funny, Elsa Halverson. Don't make such pranks and jokes. I don't find it funny. Wherever you're hiding, come out right now. I refuse to believe that you are truly gone. I will not believe that you left me, Elsa. You are just playing games with me to scare me. Okay, it's worked, I'm scared now, game over. Please come back now."

DAY 4: "Come back to me, Elsa, before I get really mad at you."

DAY 5: "Elsa, I swear to God I am not playing this game with you anymore. Come back to me right now."

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