chapter 256

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Victoria smiled when she couldn’t spot Elsa. She felt pleased with herself.

She turned around ready to leave with her bodyguards, only to freeze at the sight of the person infront of her.

He was carrying a canvas, a stand, and a bag filled with paint and brushes with him.

The man was looking at Victoria and then at the edge of the cliff, as if trying to process or understand something.

“Bruno, w-what are you d-doing here?” Victoria asked in surprise.

‘Where did Bruno come from? And did he see what just happened?’ Victoria thought to herself in panic.

Bruno put everything down before he approached the cliff, where Victoria was standing. “Was that Gwen? Who just fell over the cliff?” He asked as he looked over trying to spot her.

Victoria did not know if Bruno saw her push Elsa, but he definitely saw Elsa fall down the cliff. And before he could do anything or ask anything else, Victoria forced her tears and started crying.

“Bruno, oh my god! It was awful. I was only able to escape her above the skin of my teeth!”

She ran to him to hugged him tightly like she was looking for comfort in his arms.

But Victoria plan true plans was not to be comforted, it was to stop Bruno from looking down the cliff. Just in case he spotted Elsa in the water and tried to save her.

She started crying immediately so that when she told her story, would be believable.

Bruno was Jeremy’s best friend after all. Jeremy trusted Bruno and he was a big part of his life.

If Bruno told Jeremy he saw Victoria push Elsa, he might believe him and start doubting Victoria.

Bruno and Victoria were not friends, but they were not enemies either. They just tolerated each other.

Bruno wasn’t a huge fan of Victoria, he just thought she was okay. Meh!

Her personality and her whole demeanor didn’t move him in a way he went out of his way to get to know his best friend’s future wife. But that didn’t mean he disapproved of her with Jeremy.

He just didn’t have any friendship with Victoria. Neither did he feel he needed to despite Jeremy asking him some time back to get to know Victoria, because Bruno’s approval was important to him.

Something Victoria wanted and had prepared herself thoroughly to make sure she left a good impression on him. She wanted to win over everyone so that she had everyone wanting her to marry Jeremy.

But Bruno declined the invitation and just told his best friend, Victoria was okay to him.

Bruno didn’t think she was so bad, but he didn't think she was that awesome either. She was just okay to him.

Not good enough for him to like her, but not bad enough for him to hate her.

The only person who saw Victoria’s evil side was Elsa and Gwen. Everybody else thought she was a classy, well-mannered upper class lady.

Everyone, including Bruno.

“Gwen and I were standing here and talking. Then she started shouting at me and calling me names. She even threatened to kill me. And to honor that threat, she wanted to push me into the ice cold sea, but I fought her.”

Victoria kept narrating what happened while praying that Bruno didn't see the opposite.

But with the confusion on his face, she was sure that Bruno was unsure of what he saw.

He didn’t see a fight though. He was sure about that.

“In the midst pushing and pulling, she tripped on a root and fell over the cliff.

“I don’t know if she is okay after falling all the way down. Maybe we should call the emergency phone number for divers to come and search for her. Despite her wanting to kill me, I don’t want her to die. I still see her as a sister,” Victoria said, feigning concern.

Victoria knew that by the time they called an ambulance and the professional divers came, it would be too late for Elsa. The thought of that made her grin in an evil way.

Bruno pushed Victoria away from him immediately, not wanting her to hug him.

Bruno wasn’t completely sure if he had truly seen Elsa fall over the edge of the cliff. He was just approaching them from a distance away, and one second he saw someone who looked like Elsa, and the next second, he didn’t.

There were two women infront of him. He had only looked away for just a second, and when he looked back, there was only one woman.

Where could the other have gone if not over the cliff?

He wasn’t sure if that was what truly happened at first, but after Victoria said that, Bruno quickly took off his coat.

In a matter of seconds he jumped over the cliff without a second thought.

He fell into the sea.

The water was ice cold. It was freezing due to the winter. And Bruno knew had to find Elsa immediately.

“Gwen! Gwen!” He called out as he looked around.

Victoria stood there looking over the cliff while clenching her fists. ‘No, no! That damned girl is not suppose to be saved!’

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