chapter 264

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24 years ago...

“I missed you so much, Jenna!” someone whispered in Jenna's ear after covering her eyes with their hands.

She was in her mother's garden, helping her water her flowers at the time, and had to stop because someone closed her eyes.

Without even looking to see who it was, she already knew.

She knew what his voice sounded like, how his touch felt, and how he smelled. A scent she loved so much.

“I missed you more, Carter,” she said with a giggle.

Carter removed his hands from her eyes, and Jenna turned to him with a big smile on her face before hugging him tightly.

They had been close companions before they started dating, and then got engaged. They were each other's first love, so it was a pure love with so much promise.

“Just a day without seeing you feels like torture,” Carter confessed as he hugged her back.

“Of course it was. You cannot live without me, you love me that much,” Jenna shrugged.

“Truer words, my love. My heart still beats for you, as it always has and always will.”

They broke the hug, and Jenna put down her watering can. Amelia was not home at that time, but Jenna still invited her fiancé into their home.

It was 10 in the morning, so she decided to make Carter a little snack, maybe a delicious sandwich.

As they conversed in the kitchen, Jenna noticed something was on Carter’s mind.

Something he was trying to say but was holding back before the words could come out.

“Is something bothering you, Carter?” Jenna asked as she sat down next to him. She pushed his sandwich onto a plate before giving him her full attention.

Carter was quiet for a few seconds, looking like he was trying to find the right words. And then, he spoke.

“Jenna, I came here to see you... And also, to invite you to dinner at my brother's manor,” he said carefully.

Carter had three brothers, but despite him not being specific about which brother it was, Jenna successfully guessed it right. “James?”

Carter nodded then forced a little smile on his lips. “Yes, James. He has something important that he and his wife want to ask you.”

“If it’s making you this nervous, then it must be very important,” Jenna said observing how tensed Carter appeared to be.

“It is. It’s something that I’m not sure if you'll agree to. But I won’t force you if your answer is no to this request.”

That made Jenna even more confused. What could this be about?

“I don’t understand, what is this request that you speak of?”

“It’s better if Rosanna and James ask you themselves in their home.”

Jenna didn't understand what was going on, but she agreed to go to James' Manor and find out what it was.

But something told her it was very important, something that meant a lot. And whatever it was, she would not find out that evening.

***(Present time)***

None of the two women answered Jeremy. Victoria was so stunned to speak. And Elsa's plans for the did not include talking to her

Elsa secretly looked at the flower vase that held her phone. It was still recording. She smiled in her heart as she kept a fragile look on her face.

She going to use everything she just recorded against Victoria the moment she got to her phone.

And even if she doesn't get a chance to, Alex would. Because thanks to the advanced technology, she connected her phone camera to Alex’s phone so she would have the video and put it online in case Elsa couldn't do it immediately.

‘And this is just a warm up Victoria, remember what I told you about not falling too fast? I am coming for you and I will make you pay!’

Bruno turned to Elsa. “Are you okay, Elsa?”

Hearing Bruno call Elsa by her real name, Victoria felt a little concerned. This wasn't right, he was suppose to be calling her Gwen.

“I should be asking you that. Your chest, are you okay?” Elsa said looking at his chest.

“I’m fine. The coat protected me,” Bruno assured her.

He then turned to Victoria with anger all over his face. “And you, do you know what can be charged with assault? I can charge you for trying to harm Elsa with hot coffee!”

Victoria didn't expect to be scolded by Bruno, much less infront of Jeremy who was standing at the same spot he was before, not saying anything after he asked what was going on and no one answered.

Victoria started defending herself immediately. "Bruno, I didn't mean to pour coffee on her. She provoked me. She made me do it."

Seeing the doubt on Bruno's face, she decided to mention the cliff incident. "Remember when she tried to push me off the cliff and fell herself? She is a cruel person, so I was just defending myself."

Bruno chuckled then shook his head.

"I am starting to doubt that story. Because I didn't see her try to push you down the cliff, and I have a feeling that she didn't trip on a root but was pushed by you."

"Bruno, I-"

"As of right now, I didn't see Elsa attack you. But I saw you trying to attack her and burn her with hot coffee."

Victoria knew she had to find a way to cover this up. So she turned around and ran towards Jeremy while crying bitterly, knowing that he would believe her no matter what.

"Jeremy... Gwen hurt me!"


50k + reads on part 2 and 22k+ reads here is nothing sort of a miracle to me.

I started using Wattpad two months ago and I really worked hard in sharing this book to my friends and my social media, to give it at least a read or two. I didn't expect much, and seeing you guys supporting and loving this, means the world to me.

I know I have said thank you so many times, you must be tired of me, but I'll say it again. Thank you so much.

And I always say this, and I think I'll say it here more often... Be kind! It doesn't take anything from you when you're kind. It infact adds blessings your way. So always remain kind to everyone, including strangers, like me *waves nervously*

I'll see you in the next update.

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