chapter 249

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Jeremy took Elsa back to his villa.

As he was giving her first aid, waiting for a doctor to come and check on her, he noticed a stain on her blouse. He lifted it and saw that her bandages were stained.

Her aggressive movements earlier must have caused her wound to open again. He went to the kitchen and retrieved the first aid kit, which contained bandages and disinfectants.


Elsa woke up in a large bed, her face bathed in the rays of sunlight streaming through the window, indicating that it was morning.

She flinched away from the light immediately.

The first thing she noticed was the pain in her tumor. It wasn't as intense, but it wasn't weak either. She needed to find her painkillers.

The last thing she remembered from the previous night was Jeremy carrying her in his arms, and then everything went blank after. Had she fainted again? And where was Jeremy? Where had he taken her?

She examined the bed more closely now. And she realized she was in a warm bed, Jeremy's bed!

Elsa immediately sat up, scanning the room. She was back in Jeremy's villa, in his bedroom, all alone.

Why did he bring her back here? Couldn't he have taken her to her apartment and left her there? Why bring her here and place her in his bed and not her own?  She had her own bed here, she had her own room. She could have slept there instead of his bed.

Because his, it was a bed that held mostly painful and tearful memories, if not all.

She could barely remember a happy memory. And even if she could, it was overshadowed by other painful ones.

Elsa had to leave here immediately.

It was only when she got up that she realized someone had changed her. She was not wearing the clothes she had on last night; instead, she was in her pajamas that she had left behind in her room.

Elsa remembered feeling a slight pain on her wound last night, but she was so focused on beating up Jeremy that she barely cared. She lifted up her shirt and saw that there was no bloodstain on her wound.

The weirdest thing was that the bandages on her wound looked fresh, as if they had just been changed. Did Jeremy change the dressing on her wound?

Heh! Why would he? He wouldn't bother.

Elsa looked around and spotted her bag on the couch. It should have her medicine. She walked over to it and took it, swallowing the pills dry. She waited for them to work before she could leave because the pain from the tumor had a way of draining her energy.

In the meantime, she started searching for her phone to check the time. But instead of taking her phone out, she took out her diary.

Elsa had chosen to write about her life and her journey with Jeremy there. She preferred to write her emotions down instead of saying anything.

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