chapter 278

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One would say Elsa was proving to herself that she wasn't weak when she left her room. She was barely injured, so she felt she could leave.

She basically fell asleep, talked to herself, and then woke up doing what the other her said to do.

Her head kept replaying that conversation as she walked down the hallway, only to bump into Jeremy and Victoria.

Victoria had some papers she was carrying in her hand, and the moment she saw Elsa, she intentionally flipped them around so Elsa could see they were ultrasounds.

Elsa stopped in her tracks, and so did Victoria and Jeremy.

However, Vic moved closer to Elsa the next second with a gentle look on her face.

"Elsa, before you say or do anything, I want you to know that I am not holding any grudges against you. I care for you a lot, and if you are going through something, my adoptive mother, Esther Rowland, is a therapist. She can help you, and it will be on me. You won't even have to pay for your sessions."

'The audacity!'

Elsa's eyes narrowed at Victoria as she wondered who was crazier between the two of them.

Elsa, who created personalities in her head, or Victoria, the girl who hurts herself in such ways to frame others and make herself look like a victim? Who truly needed therapy between them?

"If you consider it, please call me, okay?"

Then Victoria turned to Jeremy. "Let's go, my love..." She then looked at Elsa. "You know Jeremy hasn't left my side this entire time? He cared about me losing the baby so much that he stayed with me until I was ready to get discharged.

"And this baby has really brought us together. And soon, he'll finally make an honest woman out of me."

Elsa vividly remembered how Jeremy reacted when Vic almost lost her child, and she compared it to his reaction to her own child.

Dark Elsa was right in always choosing violence.

Elsa anger erupted within seconds, but it was not directed towards Victoria; it was directed towards Jeremy.

Without hesitation, Elsa jumped on him and tackled Jeremy to the ground, causing him to fall onto the tiled floor. She forcefully sat on top of him and began screaming loudly as she scratched his face and slapped him repeatedly with both hands.

"How dare you?! How dare you treat my child this way while taking care of hers?! How dare you say my child's death would be for the best?! Huh?! Who do you think you are? Jeremy, you son of a bitch?! I will kill you today!"

"You scumbag! I will kill you! I will kill you!" she screamed as she continued to slap Jeremy's face.

Upon hearing this, Victoria mistakenly believed that Elsa was referring to the first child she lost.

"Elsa, get off him! Have you gone mad? Leave Jeremy! Leave him!"

Victoria attempted to pull Elsa away from Jeremy, but Elsa refused to let go. She tightly gripped his collar with one hand while continuing to hit him with the other.

"You will bleed today, just like you made me bleed our child out of my body!" she screamed, aggressively scratching his face with her long nails.

Elsa was interrupted when she felt someone grab her and forcefully pull her away from Jeremy. It was the hospital security.

Glancing back to see who it was, Elsa noticed that it was the hospital security.

However, she was not going to stand for it. She used the heel of her shoe to stomp on the officers toes, causing him to wince in pain. His grip on her loosened, allowing Elsa to escape and charge at Jeremy once again, who was just about to get up from the floor.

People in the hospital stared at them, some even recording the altercation, but Elsa didn't care. She was not going to let Jeremy get away with what he had done.

She saw a janitor's cart next to her and reached for the push broom, holding it firmly. She then started beating Jeremy with it.

"Die! You scumbag! You deserve to die after what you did to my child! Die! I want you dead!"

Victoria tried to stop her, but Elsa swung a hit across her face, making her stumble back from the impact.

Elsa then went back to Jeremy, hitting his chest and stomach with all the strength she had.

"I told you if you don't kill me, I will kill you! I will kill you, Jeremy Callahan! I will kill you!"

Elsa wasn't done when she felt someone pull her back and cage her in his arms in a way she couldn't move her hands.

She groaned in annoyance and was about to attack him too, thinking it was the security guard again.

When he turned her head, however, she met Bruno's eyes. "Put the broom down," he whispered in her ear softly. "Please put it down, I beg you."

Elsa was breathing heavily as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Let me go," she said softly.

When he didn't, she screamed, "Let me go!"

Bruno looked at Elsa with fear, but his eyes were still gentle. "Elsa, calm down, please. Please, calm down."

Bruno had seen Elsa get violent on national TV. He was afraid something was wrong, seeing her act like this for the second time.

Elsa was still looking at Bruno as she pointed at Jeremy with the broom. "He took everything from me!" she screamed with pain in her voice.

Bruno saw the look on her face and felt his heart clench. "El-"

"He deserves to die!"

"Elsa, you don't mean that. Those are words you cannot take back. There won't be coming back from this."

"Coming back to what? To my life he destroyed? To my child he killed? He is the demon that haunts my nightmares. And since I am not afraid of him anymore, I am going to kill him."

Elsa was about to charge at Jeremy again, only to find him already up from the ground.

His red eyes looked at Elsa's. The anger, pain, and hatred in Elsa's eyes were evident.

Before he could say anything, Elsa said with a powerful voice, "Tomorrow evening, 6 pm, at the place I told you my sister and I loved to go to. I will be waiting for you there."

She then gritted her teeth. "We will end this. One of us will live, and the other will die."

After she said that, she threw the broom on the floor and started walking away.


I wanted to give this three chapters this morning (it's morning where I am) because Christ! The next ones are making me shiver. I even shed a tear with this one. But I know I'm going to cry some more with the next ones.

I have never felt so bad for my own character. Writing down these as ideas, these chapters didn't even make me wince. But now that I am writing them down, I even had to remove some things because God... Elsa is my baby now!

This is almost like the 11th hour... It's like, the most difficult moments. When we reach the end of this part, remind me to ask you if you shed a tear, okay?...

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