chapter 269

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Elsa lay on her bed, staring at the white ceiling with cold eyes. It was 10 pm, but she was still wide awake. There was something different about her at that time, but no one who knew her was there to tell.

Just then, she heard the door open. She already knew who it was, so she didn't turn to look at them.

Jeremy leaned against the doorframe and stared at Elsa, who was still fully clothed and lying flat with her hands on her stomach, as if she were in a coffin.

She didn’t even turn to him; it was like she didn’t hear him open the door.

“If you don’t want people around you to get hurt, show up on time tomorrow to apologize,” his voice was icy, and it was clear that he was siding with Victoria.

Elsa didn’t respond to Jeremy. She didn’t even look at him.
She already knew he cared for Victoria so obviously he would Elsa to apologize to protect his beloved and save her reputation.

“Think about Alex. You don’t want her to suffer for your disobedience.

And from now on, stop asking for trouble with Victoria,” Jeremy pleaded.

Elsa turned to look at Jeremy. Her eyes were glowing with hatred. They no longer held warmth for him like before. “Get lost!” she spat, then turned back to look at the ceiling, refusing to give Jeremy any more attention.

Jeremy was about to snap at Elsa, but the look in her eyes made him stop for reasons he didn’t know.

Why did her eyes look like that? Was it because he mentioned Alexandria?


The next day.

Elsa arrived at Simba Co-operation dressed in black, as if she were going to a funeral.

She was 20 minutes late, but she didn’t care.

She was the guest of honor that day, the show won’t fully start without her. So she could be as late as she pleased.

The press conference had already started, with several reporters interviewing and asking questions.

James and Rosanna were there, but they were not the people who caught Elsa’s attention.

Elsa looked at the man next to Victoria and clenched her fists.

Victoria was talking to the reporters with Jeremy beside her, acting as her support system.

When Victoria saw Elsa, she smirked before saying, “As I was saying, the person in the video was an actress. Gwen Halverson hired her and made that fake video of me to make me look bad. And if you don't believe me, there she is to confirm this herself.”

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