chapter 275

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Her voice showed fear, which made Bruno look at Elsa, confused. He did not expect her to ask him for this.

"Please, Bruno. You have to promise me you won't tell him. He cannot know I am with child. Please." Elsa was afraid. She feared Jeremy would kill this child like he did the first one.

"Why don't you want him to know?" Bruno asked.

Elsa just held his hands in hers. "Do you care for me as your friend?"

Bruno nodded and answered impatiently. "Of course, I do."

"Then if you truly care for me, don't tell your best friend that I am carrying his child, please." A tear fell from her right eye as she said with a low voice, "He cannot know... he cannot know." Elsa's voice cracked a few times as she spoke.

Bruno saw how frightened Elsa looked. He still didn't understand what was going on, but he nodded. "I won't tell him. I promise." He then pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly. "It's okay, Elsa. It's okay." It was only after 15 minutes that Elsa calmed down.

"Aren't you late for work?" she asked after Bruno let go of Elsa.

"I am actually supposed to be at the airport for a flight out of the country right now."

"You were supposed to take a business trip?"


"Then go before you miss your flight."

"I can't leave alone, Elsa."

"I'll be okay, Bruno. You shouldn't miss a business trip because of me."

"But I'm your big brother now. I can't leave without you being a hundred percent fine."

Elsa giggled. "I will, okay big brother. I'll call one of my friends to come over."

Elsa calling him big brother made Bruno chuckle. "Are you sure?"

Elsa nodded with a smile. "I am."

"Okay. Jeremy is around anyway. I'm sure he'll be with you soon."

Elsa's smile dropped that very second. But she managed to form a fake one. "Yeah, yeah... Jeremy can look after me too. You don't have to worry."

She then pushed Bruno away gently. "Now go before you miss your flight, big brother."

Bruno laughed. "Okay, I'll go... But I'm calling you in a few hours to check up on you, okay?"

Elsa nodded before waving him goodbye. As soon as Bruno closed the door, Elsa jumped out of bed.

Despite feeling weak at that moment, she had to leave immediately. She rushed out of the room and bumped into a nurse who was coming to check on her.

Elsa asked if she could be discharged at that moment. The nurse said she needed to spend at least three days at the hospital, but Elsa insisted firmly. The nurse had no choice but to discharge her.

As Elsa was leaving, she walked through the hallway only to see Jeremy coming her way.

He wore an unfriendly face as he walked very fast towards her direction.

She ran back quickly before Jeremy could see her and used another route to get to the entrance of the hospital. Jeremy had just left the VIP area and was going to check on Elsa.

He knew Elsa had to stay in the hospital for a few days and wanted to see how she was doing, then move her to a bigger room, maybe to the VIP area too, although that was where Victoria was.

But as he opened the door, he found an empty bed. And to make it worse, the nurse was straightening it as if no one had been sleeping on it.

"There was a patient here, where is she?" He immediately asked.

The nurse raised her eyes and looked at the elegant and handsome man. She replied, "She has just been discharged a few minutes ago."


The first thing Elsa did was take a taxi and rush to Jeremy's villa. Moses, the gatekeeper, had not been given any instructions regarding Elsa that day, so he let her in.

Elsa rushed to the flower pot and was relieved to see her jacket still there. She went into the house and rushed to her bedroom to grab her purse because she did not have any more, even for the cab waiting for her outside.

She also took her keys that she needed. She wanted to take her phone but felt it wasn't a good idea. So instead, she took a pen and paper. She went through her contacts and wrote down Lui's phone number.

She then rushed out with Lui's number on a paper, her keys and her purse. She took the jacket with Gwen's ashes on the flower pot before running out of the gate immediately.

She got into her cab and told the driver where to take her next. She needed to leave immediately, before Jeremy stopped her.

And it so happened that the moment the cab Elsa was in disappeared into a corner, Jeremy's car was seen coming towards his villa.

He had a feeling Elsa would go there to first.

The moment Elsa arrived at her old town, she sighed with relief. She got into her old apartment and felt peace kick in at that moment.

She only relaxed for a few minutes before taking her landline phone and calling Lui's number.

"Lui, can you come over to me?... I need you."


25 chapters remaining until this part is done and part 4, my favorite part of this entire book, starts.

But even with 25 remaining, at most half of it will be something extremely different.

So there is going to be like 7 to 10 chapters of Elsa that are going to be very intense. They will be so heavy. *warning*

And then the rest, it won't have Elsa in it in flesh. But it will have something you want so bad.  *wink wink*

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