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"Good morning ladies, its already your second week here, how exciting it is?" the ladies in the women's room greeted jisung as he came in to deliver usual news. "this weeks task is actually a little harder than usual tasks. surprise surprise the Italian and French princesses is coming for a visit. its not decided yet if the German twin sister princess are joining or not but if we do receive a reply within the next two days then i will inform you." he smiled handing the task papers for the girls. "half of you have received the italian princesses information and everything you need to know about her, the others is the same but for the french princess."

"this has separated you into two teams, you must learn how to work together and plan an amazing day for each of the princess."

jisung took a deep breath as the girls went through the task within their hands. "Celeste and Mia, the prince have told me to inform you he would like to take each of you on a date. mia this afternoon and celeste at night."

Celeste smiled proudly, the prince was quite busy to spend time with any of them and yet Celeste was the only girl asked on a second date. By now it was quite obvious the prince had favorites.


"im so tired" minho shook his head, "clear all my schedules today i need a nap." jisung chuckled softly minho, "i cant yout highness, remember the date with mia? oh and you have one at night with celeste."

"ugh cant you go on it instead of me?" minho groaned rubbing his tired eyes. "im pretty sure thats against the rules" jisung kept softly giggling at minho while he walks behind his seat. he gently started massaging minho's shoulder. "do you want me to get you a massage session for tonight? youre quite free after the date, if you make it short."

"that would be wonderful" minho threw his head back, with his eyes still shut enjoying the massage jisung is giving him.

a loud knock was heard before the king entered with the chief butler behind him. "Minho."

the king spoke his sons name with no affection or emotion whatsover. jisung shifted next to minho as the latter stood slowly acknowledging his father. "father."

"letting some girls who only lived for a year in the castle run everything for the italian and french princesses?" he said mad

"its thier task, to see how they act with them, if theyre suitable to be a queen."

"but the french princess? are you stupid minho?" he took a few steps closer to minho. "were very close father-"

"used to be. used to be very close. do you know how big of a mess this could make?" minho looked down not knowing how to reply to his father. "youre really stupid, sometimes i wonder how i had a child like you. we just fixed our relations with and youre already trying to ruin it?!"

before minho could reply he felt a very hard slap on his cheek. that type of slap that make you feel like your jaw just flew away, he touched his cheek trying to realise what just happened. jisung who almost stopped the king before realising ITS THE KING and he cant stop it, just stood their in shock. "im not cleaning up after your mess after this." the king left the office and minho in the same position. minhos eyes were wide and teary but he wouldnt let himself break and cry in front of anyone.

jisung stepped closer concerned at minho, looking at his lips who had a small cut and it was bleeding. "let me take you the medical wing your highness"

"its a small cut" minho yelled at jisung, he didnt mean to. it just happened. the latter grabbed a tissues and dabbed on the cut trying to wipe the blood. he then went to the small fridge at the corner of the office and got a cold glass water bottle. "i know it isnt the best thing but its the fastest i can do." jisung smiled warmly before carefully placing the cold glass bottle agaisnt minho's lips.

both of them looked at each other in this situation, minho placing his hand on jisungs hand that was Holding the bottle. jisungs smile didnt leave his face trying to comfort the prince in every way, he loved the way the princes eye glittered with the tears trapped in.

"did anyone ever compliment your eyes before?" minho hesitantly shook his head slightly. normally after an incident with his father like this he would handle it all by himself. he never had someone with him who witnessed it and stayed to try and comfort him in a way. not realising, a tear fell from his eye. not really because of the pain of a slap anymore, but mostly of the feelings his feeling now. the overwhelming realisation hes going through now.

he only realised a tear dropped when jisungs soft fingers wiped it away. he pushed jisung away suddenly aware of whats going on. jisung, startled, stood up from the floor, already expecting such a reaction.

"get out. and if i know you told anyone about this im chopping your head off" jisung smiled to himself looking down at the floor. "my dad used to do the same thing when i was a kid" jisung said. minho just looking at him with a blank expression and a red cheek.

"i hated that guy, im happy he left" jisungs smile turned into a frown thinking about his dad. "did he die?" jisung scoffed, "i wish, he just took all the money we had and left."


"how about lunch in your room? so people dont see your face."

minho blankly looked at his desk before a thought kicked. "get our horses ready and pack lunch in a basket with a mat"

"your highness?"

to be continued...

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