\\ Nosey //

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Celeste couldn't stop giggling as she entered Minho's room. "wow it's so huge!" she turned around admiring it. "look what i prepared" Celeste turned to look at what Minho was pointing at. it was a tray with some desserts, two wine glasses, and the finest bottle of wine. "prince Minho this is amazing! thank you!" she wrapped her arms around his neck. "just call me Minho" he smiled hugging her waist loosely with an arm. she giggled looking at him and then noticed the awkward jisung standing right next to them trying not to gag. "is he gonna stay here too? the whole time?" she asked sickened by the sight of jisung.

"oh?" minho turned around to look at jisung "jisung can you ask the gaurds outside my room to leave, and can you take their place instead " it came out as more of an order than a question.

jisung acknowledged with a nod, exited the room, and closed the door behind him, informing the guards to leave. the moment they left and closed the door to the big hallway, jisung stood outside of minhos room literally doing nothing.

he knew minho wouldnt need him for at least 30 minutes but he didnt know if he should leave or not. Nevertheless his job wa still being beside the prince at all time. so he waited.

and waited.

and waited.

he heard laughter occasionally but then it just went silent. he stared out the window the whole time but he was getting really bored. he walked in circles in front of the room, losing his mind out of boredom. he was just not use to doing nothing for so long.

but then an idea popped into his head. Nosily he stepped closer to the door and kept his ear at the door trying to hear anything he can. but really it was super silent. he let out a breath really getting fed up. but then.

he heard a loud scream that scared him so much he screamed even louder. but then it went silent again. he covered his mouth quickly realising how loud he screamed. they probably heard. they probably know he heard. jisung in that position just couldnt think anymore and ran out of the place.

after running into nowehere in the castle he finally stopped to catch his breath on the stairs. looking around to realise where he is he noticed hes close to the selected's rooms. He hesitated, contemplating whether to make his way to Camila's room to apologise for the earlier incident. After much deliberation, he finally convinced himself and made his way, nervous and hesitant, towards her room, gently knocking three times on the door.

Nervously, he fiddled with his fingers, the nervous habit he couldn't seem to break, and watched as a maid cautiously cracked the door open and peered at him, then, with a swift bow, she opened it a bit wider. His eyes shifted beyond her, meeting Camila's wide-eyed gaze as she sat on her bed. "can i please speak with Miss Camila? im not allowed in." he smiled awkwardly at her, she turned around to make her way to camila but she was already up and next to the door.

he took a stepp backwards gesturing that they should talk about this outside, camila took the hint and stood in front of him. he avoided contact and glued his eyes to the floor, "i want to apologise-"

"no, i should be the one apologising." she interrupted. he gazed at her with his eyebrows lifted as she continued. "you were trying to save me and- and i was just embarrassed and i let my anger on you!" she fiddled with her fingers and looked down. "the only person who didnt laugh and actually saved me.." she mumbled embarrassed.

A soft smile gradually spread across Jisung's face as he tenderly lifted her chin with his fingers, using his smile to convey reassurance.

Her eyes shimmered with emotion, and the same could be said for both of them as their gazes locked. "its okay Miss Camila" he took a step closer to her not moving his fingers from her chin. "its just camila" she said softly. His eyes were drawn to her lips as she nervously bit them, a tempting sight that made him contemplate leaning in, but then he caught a glimpse of the fear in her eyes as she glanced past him.

He followed her gaze behind him, only to discover an angry prince with Celeste standing just behind him.

"Being in any other romantic relationship other than the prince while being part of the selection only leads to execution for both. you should know this by heart han jisung" minho tilted his head as he gritted the words through his teeth, jisung turned his full body to minho with no fear. "Leading any woman part of the selection into your room for whatsoever reason leads to her going home"

minho smirked at jisungs confidence as he stepped closer. "so you know the rules? good."

"you have one chance or its off with both of your heads."


"make an announcement that I'm going to have a meeting after dinner in the women's room." minho ordered jisung as he followed behind with his head low and his usual smile gone. "yes your highness" he replied with a listless expression.

The guards the huge dining hall door for Minho to enter. "Crown prince is entering!" jisung announced loudly behind Minho. once minho took a seat , before jisung could continue his work he stood closer to minho to announce another thing. "There will be a meeting in the women's room with the prince and the selected!" then he continued his work, pouring some water for Minho and placing some food on his plate. as he did he noticed Celeste who was talking to her friends as she ate, he almost gagged as he noticed a bruise...a hickey actually on her chest.

so that's why she was screaming, he shook his head trying to shake the nasty thoughts from his head. would a prince really?...

to be continued...

I imagine Camila as Camila from VCHA but with short hair  btw lol (but it's not her it's totally fictional)

"The Selection"  minsung Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora