\\ Epilouge //

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   Unknowns pov

~3 Royal Weeks Later~

There's a sharp headache above my right eye and some weird warm weight on my arm. There was no sound around but some machines ticking and some soft breath that I felt on my hand.

I touched my head with my other free hand. It really hurts. I tried to open my eyes but everything is just so blurry.

I try to get a better look at the person sleeping on my arm, but I just can't focus. My eyes can't focus.

The only thing I can make out is Colors.

Brunette blob, then white. I'm laying on something and covered with something white. The weight on my arm shifted, and the brunette blob was now in the air, with a milky color. That's a face, that's a person that's...


That's Minho.

"I-I-" I cannot make out his expression but he stood up and ran away and I'm still in silence, "PLEASE GET THE DOCTOR! HES AWAKE! JISUNG IS AWAKE!"

Minho came back to me and took my hand kissing it, "do you remember me?" With all the strength I had, I try to focus my eye to see his details. But I failed again.

I nodded. "Minho" I wanted to smile, but I couldn't, "how did...how did I end up here?"

"You can't remember stuff?" Minho chuckled "uhm welllll on our wedding day-"

"Spare me the lies, I remember you getting married to someone else very well" I rubbing my eyes again as he laughed. "See you clearly don't remember!  Because it was our wedding day-"

"Minho I can't see"

"What?" Concern filled his voice and I felt his gentle fingers on my face, I pressed my hand against his and I felt my tears flowing. "I-I can't see, I can barely make out the line of your lips" I choked out.

"Oh jisung.." he hugged me tight. Really tight and I missed his body against mine and all the overwhelming feelings just made me end up crying into his chest until the doctor came.

"He says he can't see. At all"

"It's all blurry"I completed the sentence for him as I wiped my tears. "That is a very rare case" I can't tell the doctors reaction but he did seem worried by the tone.

He examined my eye with a light that made my headache even worse "We will run some more tests, but it's fine. It is very rare, but it's not permanent" Minho squeezed my shoulder lightly in a way to comfort me and he earned a smile.

"Your eyesight will never be the same, I can tell you that. But you'd be able to make out who the person is and probably walk alone with maybe the help of a stick"

And the tears flowed again.

"He always wore glasses and contacts though, will his eyesight be the same as before or..worse"

"Most likely worse" the doctor sighed and I felt Minho's soft fingers brush away my tears. "Thank you doc"

"Of course your majesty" and then he as gone. I on,y felt Minho's presence next to me and the only sound made was my sobs.

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