\\ Coward //

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"JUST GIVE ME SOME ANSWERS!" Minho was panicking, he had maids all around him who were also panicking-

One doing his hair, one helping him out his shirt on, one tying his tie. "Your highness there is no time-" before she could complete her sentence Minho grabbed her wrist forcefully making he squeal in pain.

"Tell. Me. What's. Going. On."

"S-sir" she stuttered. "NOW!" he growled back at her. All the maids stop working, they just stood silently watching, too scared to move. The maid who he was holding her wrist almost broke down and cried. "All I know is that...yesterday a-..a..." she kept here eyes shut and kept stuttering in fear.

"A? Speak or it's off with your head!" There it was. The prince he was known to be, cruel like his dad, mean, scary. People said he changed lately....but did he ? Or was it just the Jisung effect.

"A man was found! With one of the selected." She gulped, "I don't know who it is..he works in the castle and.."

"Which lady..?" He asked in a low tone, the maid just shook her head. He let go of her and turned around yelling at the rest making them jump in their places. " WHO FUCKING IS IT!"

All the ladies stood behind one of them, they all looked scared including her. But she was the only one not crying yet. "Ms. Camilla your highness..."

"Camila?.." he muttered to himself...oh no...oh no no no no. OH NO!

"EVERYONE OUT! EVERYONE FUCKING OUT!" All the maids bowed and left, leaving Minho alone who fell into the floor with his hands pulling chunks of his hair.

Him and Jisung never discussed Camilla again. Even though Jisung told him to trust him... he never really knew their relationship...friendship ? Lovers? Situation ship?

Did he love her? Did he use the prince's affection? Was this all a scheme ? Was Minho right all along...

He closed his eyes tightly shut, so tight it actually gave him a headache. Along with him holding back his tears. He heard distant foot steps that slowly making louder, but he couldn't care less.

He kept his eyes shut and his thoughts running, until he felt a familiar warmth or someone kneeling in front of him, lifting his chin with soft fingers, and lips pressing on his.

The familiar taste of lips made the train of thoughts stop and only one thought to stay..."JISUNG!" he mumbled against their lips before pushing Jisung on the floor and straddling him to hug him and kiss him all over his face.

"YOURE HERE! YOURE HERE! YOURE HERE!" jisung giggled through the kiss attack, "yes I'm here!" Minho grabbed a good chunk of Jisung's shirt and pulled it glaring into his eyes. "Where the hell have you been all day!"

"With the king!" He shrieked, "WHY DIDNT YOU EVER COME BACK?"




"ENOUGH JUST KISS ME YOU ARSEHOLE!" Minho dropped Jisung but then grabbed his cheeks pulling him into a kiss. " I was fucking miserable without you. If that's how life is without you then I'd rather die."

"Sheesh couldn't even survive a day without me, prince?" Jisung tried to joke, but Minho seriously shook his head. "Where were you this morning?" Minho asked calmly now.

"I thought you were tired..I heard you didn't sleep and I thought you need some so I decided to make you some tea first and then wake you up with some kisses" he giggled, "but then while I was making it the whole castle seemed so tense."

"The Selection"  minsung Where stories live. Discover now