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"It's an honour to have you here Prince Minho" the interview lady shook the prince's hand. He smiled at her briefly shaking her hand before both of them took their seats. Jisung and the security guards were all over the place behind the cameras.

Jisung was focused on giving orders and making sure everything was perfect, he stood slightly in front of everyone including the camera. His figure was showing in the frame but he didnt care, although he kept focused on not giving away anything.

He looked focused at Minho and then at his foot, at the camera crew, and a cycle was created. The interview was going to go through for about 20 to 30 minutes and minho had no idea whatsoever what it would be about.

He guessed it would be related to his visits here and his future plans and well...what happened recently. so he mentally practiced and prepared answers.

15 minutes in and jisung was getting bored and a little distracted. He decided to just look at the floor the whole time but when minho joked or laughed he would look up and smile at him, even though minho couldnt even see him since he was standing behind.

What Jisung didnt know that every time he smiled, the camera zoomed at his face.

"So prince Minho, are you planning on visiting again? your trip is almost over sadly." The woman asked, Minho placed his leg on the other and looked up before answering her, "well actually i was thinking of stretching my visit for another two weeks. Ive really been enjoying myself here."

"oh yes we are all aware of how much youre enjoying yourself away from all the royal family rules" she cocked her eyebrows, clearly saying 'you know what I'm talking about'. Minho just smiled respectfully and nodded.

"about that your highness, a lot of people were curious about your recent photo's with-"

"i dont understand why people made a big fuss of it really" he interrupted her, displeased. Jisung trusted Minho with this, he has been taking lessons for answering the media probably ever since he learned how to speak.

"Me and Mr.Han have been hanging out a lot even back home. Everyone at the castle is aware of our friendship, including the selection ladies."

"It was just hard making friends ever since well, my cousins General changbin, Sir Seungmin and Sir Jeongin left and due to how protective my father is i received private tuition instead of socializing."

"I barely had anyone to talk to and gosh those old personal servants my dad assigned for me were making my life hell, yes im talking about you john" he looked at the camera and pointed, a way to lighten the mood. which worked cause low chuckled were heard.

"When i fired my recent servant they showed me the options and a lot joked about this young applicant, and how he wouldnt last long with me. But yet Jisung made it to the final screening and well it sounded like a new challenge. "

"i think having Jisung around was probably the best thing ever, and going through hard decisions like picking a wife and being a king- with him by my side..as a friend..as a best friend is really making things better."

"so people can say whatever they want for all i care."


Minho was laying on the couch back at the hotel with jisung hovering on top of him and kissing him. The two have been making out for a few minutes after Minho pulled Jisung on top of him after a call with the king.

The king demanded for him to come home and that he would deal with Jisung but Minho just gave him a i dont fucking care expression, turned off the call, and started making out with jisung.

"The Selection"  minsung Where stories live. Discover now