\\ General Seo //

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"JEONGIN!" Seungmin scolded as Jeongin snored spitting all his drink all over the place after Minho made a joke.

It was the night before Christmas and Minho decided to have a private dinner with his cousins and their new two friends and obviously his Jisung who was specifically sitting by his side at all times.

"No cause I remember when jeongin would run around the castle and bite the guards legs!" Minho laughed again as Jisung cuddled closer to him hugging his arm tight. "You can't deny I was and still am the cutest!" He cupped his cheeks smiling his cutest smile ever which makes everyone awhs.

On the other side of the room was felix sitting closely to Hyunjin who was calmly drinking his tea as he admire someone from a far. As felix cuddled closer to hyunjin laying his head on his shoulder and his legs were laid out next to him on the couch, Hyunjin was Watching this persons every movement and taking in his every detail, planning his next painting.

"What are you looking at?" Felix whispered trying to look where Hyunjin is looking. "He's so..handsome.." felix focused and confused look landed on the person Hyannis was admiring.

Prince Seungmin.

He looked at hyunjin again and his focused eyes faded into sad eyes. Just like Hyunjin was admiring the prince, felix watched his every detail. How hyunjins gaze never moved, how his eyes flow, how he bites his lips.

A pang hit his chest. A weird pain, that made everything he just ate want to spill on the floor. Gagging and swallowing back his food, he slowly straightened up and sat at the far edge of the couch, away from Hyunjin who barely noticed what's going on.

He blinked back the tears and felt his food going up his throat once again, swallowing, it left an acidic taste down his throat. "Uh Ji-jisung? Where's the water" his voice cracked.

"I'll get it for you" General seo, said before Jisung can speak. He got up and walked past felix but their eyes were glued to each other. General Seo's eyes were dark, he was...angry?

"Anyways guys, we should head to bed. Tomorrow is a big event and we should all be awake and energetic for if." Minho stood up taking Jisung's hand in his, who just hugged his arm and whined "I'm soooo sleepy I can't even walk."

"As much as I would to carry you to your room my love, I don't think it is possible" Minho smiled and jisung smiled back at him but with his eyes closed. "Goodnight everyone" they all stood up and said their good nights, the princes left first, then hyunjin, followed by Minho and Jisung and finally in the back, Felix who walked like a zombie.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" Jisung pouted at the prince , "nope not possible, you kick all night!"

"Well I have to work out in my sleep- due to my lover who fucked up my schedule I can't find time to work out anymore!"

"Well I-" before the prince could protest he felt two gentle thumbs poking his shoulder, the two turned around to see Felix. "Can I borrow jisung for a second ?"

The prince's lips pressed together forcing a smile as he nodded then he left the two alone. "What's wrong little baby?" Jisung sensed the weirdness of his active ball of smiley sunshine. "I-I I don't know how to-" the words could not escape his mouth.

He covered his face with his palms and cried into them. "Oh no Lixie what's wrong?" Jisung pulled his hands away revealing the sobbing Felix and then he pulled him into a hug as he continued to cry into his chest.

"he-he doesn't like me! He never will!"

"Who? Hyunjin?" Felix nodded against Jisung's chest. "He keeps looking at...someone else...he..I..I can see it in his eyes. I think it's love at first sight-"

"It bette not be Minho-"

"JISUNG!" Felix looked up at him sternly. "Sorry..."

"It's that prince seungfuck or whatever"

"Felix you can't just say that! Anyone can hear you and you'd end up exiled or something!"

"Well I don't fucking care" he crossed his arms taking a step back. "Prince seungfuck, he's not even as good looking as me, or even with a great personality- ALL HE DOES IS NAG! he's a party pooper a-a an asshole-"

"Felix?" Felix's eyes popped from their place and the colour drained from his face as he heard the voice, both jisung and Felix gulped as the younger turned around to face the person behind them, "General Seo- it's not what you think it is-"

"I don't care what it is. I need to have a word with you, can you please follow me?" His eyes could burn holes in you felix could swear, he looked at jisung who only shrugged then nodded and followed changbin back into his room.

The other confused brunette just shrugged to himself and turned around to go to his own room. He stood up by the prince's door and knocked annoyingly, which became a habit so Minho knows it Jisung and no one else.

When he went in with his wide smile he found no one. Confused, he looked in the bathroom and the closet. But no one is there.

He got sudden work. He thought to himself. Or...maybe he's with Celeste?..I-i don't know..

He shook his head and kept his trust in Minho, Minho wouldn't go without telling him..would he? He let out a big sigh and walked slowly to his room.

He held into his door knob and looked at Minhos door far far away, then he opened the door. Only to be surprised by his room being filled with white roses and all sorts of colours of tulips.

Literally filled. On the floor, on the shelves, on the beds, on the desks, around the window frame. "What the fuck.." he stepped in closer and as he was closing the door he jumped in horror. "Merry Christmas my love-"

"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE WHAT ARE YOU DOING BEHIND THE DOOR" Jisung screamed after he literally slapped Minho across the face. He covered his mouth instantly. "I am so..so..SO SORRY MY PRINCE!"

He shook his head and cupped Minhos cheek rubbing it gently and leaving soft kisses on it. "Loving you is learning your love language is calling me names-"

Minho smiled, "I'm so sorry min-" he kept blowing on his cheek and kissing it. "It's fine, now focus on the-"

"YES WHAT THE HELL DID YOU THINK FILLING MY ROOM WITH-" Jisung gasped realising something , "HOW DO YOU EVEN KNOW THOSE ARE MY FAVOURITE FLOWERS!!" Jisung jumped in excitement.

"You told me!" Minho chuckled. "Like back when I hated your guts- but you told me!" Jisung jumped on him and hugged him, "how do you even still remember! You definitely liked me since day one."

"Do you even know how annoying you are?" Minho pecked Jisung's lips. "I love you I love you I love you sooo much. My gift is so basic compared to this! Should I give it to you now? Later? Tomorrow? I DONT KNOW!" He giggled as he hugged Minho tighter.

He felt a sudden shift in his body after a hand was placed on his knees and suddenly he was being picked up bridal style by Minho. "Sadly you can't sleep here tonight, so how about you join me in bed instead my love?"

Jisung giggled wrapping his arms around Minho's neck, "I love you.." Jisung rested his head on Minho's shoulder as he got carried to the other room.

To be continued...

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