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Everyone was at breakfast already the next day. But Minho and Jisung walked slowly there.

Their hands were held tightly as they walked through the halls. Every guard stared and every maid talked.

But Minho didn't care. He wanted everyone to talk, everyone to look. He dragged himself through the castle, with his puffy eyes who barely got any sleep.

Jisung, was trained to stay awake for 48 hours if needed but it was also hard to stay awake. Unlike Minho, Jisung didn't get sleep at all.

They haven't spoken a word since their last kiss at the fountain, but all night Minho was crying on Jisung's chest until he finally fell asleep with his suit still on.

But Jisung couldn't as thoughts raced all night. He didn't even know what was gonna happen once they're inside the hall.

They were standing outside the large door when they let go of each others hand. Jisung took a deep breath before opening the door and announcing that the prince is coming in.

When he looked back at Minho, it was like it's a different person standing there than the person who was holding his hands just a few second ago.

Minho looked fiercer, darker, scarier. He didn't smile when he walked in, he didn't greet and the whole mood in what was a chatty room became tense.

Once he stood at his seat and made sure he looked everyone in the eye, he finally glanced at his father and nodding instead of greeting. He took a seat and everyone sat after the king gestured for them.

Jisung poured water for Minho and handed him a napkin as always.

The king cleared his throat trying to shift the attention to him, "well since finally everyone is here, me and the queen have been wanting to announce something to everyone" he smiled bur his smiled disappeared when Minho also spoke.

"I will also make an announcement today" he glared at his father, "in fact, why don't you say it now so I say mine after it" the corner of his lips twitched to form a smile but couldn't.

The king cleared his throat again and faced everyone else with a smile, he took the queens hand in his and smiled even wider.

"The queen is pregnant-"

"Greats news" Minho didn't even give him a chance to speak before he stood up, "the selection is over" he announced earning a few gasps.

"What do you mean over?" The king asked. "I decided to pick my last three. In two days, I will propose to my future wife. And by the end of this week...a wedding will be held."

He looked at the 6 elite women sitting, "Ava, Luna and Celeste. You're staying. I'm sorry for the rest but your stuff are already packed and the cars are ready. Finish your breakfast and say goodbye to each other and you can go to your car" he nodded then made sure to have eye contact with everyone in the room once last time.

He looked at being rather with a smirk then left the room with jisung behind him. "Fuck I need more sleep" Minho massages his temples as he stood outside the dining hall. "How about a nap my prince?"

"No time for that, I'll be in my office arranging stuff. Send off your friends home and please tell General seo. Prince seungmin and Prince jeongin to stay a little longer. I would like to have a conversation with them too" Jisung nodded at Minho's orders.

"Want me to get you breakfast in your office?" He didn't get any reply cause Minho was already walking away.


"Boop!" Someone poked Jisung's shoulder. He turned around to find Felix. "Lixie? I swear to god I watched you leave in a car with Hyunjin two hours ago" jisung laughed tiredly.

"I know but this handsome guy by the entrance I'd the castle stopped the car... said I was in biiiigggg trouble and he had to take me back to the castle. "

"Big trouble? Why?" Jisung frowned concerned. "Because I didn't give him a long enough kiss before I left" Felix giggled.

"It was general seo! And he said he must put me in jail so I was like oh okay I'm a criminal now" they both laughed as they walked.

"Prison was quite comfy though and looked exactly like his room." Felix joked. They were actually at Changbins rooms door.

Jisung knocked the door and peaked in with a smile. Changbin, minho, and seungmin sat on different couches, jeongin joining seungmin on his right.

Felix popped his had but before the could both step inside Minho spoke sternly. "Leave. Both of you"

"Min?" Jisung looked confused and so was Felix when he looked at Jisung. "I said leave!" Minho wasn't yelling, but he raised his voice loud enough to make Jisung flinch.

Jisung nodded, "I'll be outside if you need anhyhing my prince" he backed away and slowly closed the door.


Later that night the prince asked for dinner alone at his office and when Jisung served him salmon for dinner he yelled at him as if he's the one who cooked it.

"Are you stupid Jisung?? Fish ?! In my office! Now it's gonna smell"

"Min that's the dinner I don't pick what they cook-" Jisung flinched as Minho got up and threw the plate across the room smashing it, then left the room with no word. Leaving Jisung in shock and a mess to clean.

The tea he served lager that night wasn't even touched, and the book Minho was holding as Jisung brushed his hair on their usual seat by the window wasn't even being read.

Minho was just looking outside the window the whole time. When Jisung walked back from the kitchen after taking the tea back there Minho's lights were already off and he was already 'sleeping' so Jisung left the room and went to his own.

His bed felt like a stranger, after getting used to sleeping with Minho every night.

Minho who was pretending to be asleep so Jisung doesn't come in, was actually crying into his pillow till he actually fell asleep.

To be continued...

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