\\ Fine //

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"Minho?" Jisung finally breaks the uncomfortable silence as he brushed Minho's hair in the morning.  But Minho didn't reply back.

"My love, you know you don't have to deal with this alone right? You have me and..I'm here and you done have to shut yourself away."

Jisung put the brush aside and back hugged Minho, "I love you Minho, don't forget that okay?"

Minho shut his eyes  then pulled Jisung's arms off of him. "I don't need your pity Jisung"

"Pity? I don't pity you Minho,I love you. I want to make sure you're fine-"

"I am fine." Minho fixed his suit and walked away jisung following behind. "No you're not, and I understand. It's hard on you but-"


"Minho no. We go through this together do you understand? I will never let you be hurt alone. "

Minho groaned and stopped walking then turned around to face Jisung, "does that mouth ever stop talking?"

"Oh?" Jisung's chest felt heavy.

"Do you even get tired of talking? Because others get tired to your talking" Minho this around and left Jisung behind who just watched him leave.

Today's task was to pick an engagement ring, and that's all what Minho and Jisung did this whole day. In silence.

At night, Jisung waited by the bathroom with Minho's towel as usual. They had a routine , for a year. Minho snatched the towel from Jisung's hands aggressively that Jisung stumbled a little.

And when Minho took a seat on his usual place by the window and Jisung came to brush his hair he threw the book across the table making it push the glass tea pot on the floor and shatter.

"Fuck do you ever give me any personal space?!" Minho stood up and yelled at Jisung who frowned. "My job is literally your personal servant."  He gritted his teeth.

"I can brush my hair alone" he pulled the brush from his hand. "You can leave."

"Why?" Jisung crossed his arms. "I want to sleep here tonight, I want to sleep with you. Like always."

Minho scoffed, "and you have attitude too"

"Minho. This is enough. I'm your boyfriend you shouldn't treat me this way."

Minho scoffed again as he took a step closer to Jisung that they  could feel it each others warm breath on their faces. "Boyfriend? Heck Jisung I'm getting married by the end of this week." He laughed "boyfriend? When did we even give titles. When did we make it official?"


"You don't intimidate me Jisung. Don't give yourself a title you never earned."

"You don't mean that." Jisung's eyes formed tears but he wouldn't let them fall. "If that's what makes you sleep at night" Minho shrugged and walked away. "Get out, I'm too tired and I wanna sleep already."

Jisung swallowed what he was about to throw up, the acidic feeling in his throat made him feel nauseous.

With slow unsteady steps out the room he felt his heart shatter, hoping Minho would call him and apologise and say he doesn't mean it but the only thing he heard was the loud Shut of the door.

On the other side of the door, Minho stared at the door. Waiting for Jisung to open it and yell at him again to argue and he deserved that title.

Heck if Minho could, he'd take that engagement ring and run after Jisung and kneel in front of him right now. But he couldn't.

"The Selection"  minsung Where stories live. Discover now