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Riiiiing! Riiiiing!

"Class dismissed." After our lecture said that, we pack our stuffs to our bags and ready to go home.

"Phew... Good thing I still have time to finish my script." Teresa just give me a smile.

"When and where you finished your script?" Teresa asked.

"Early morning. I came to the library and immediately do my script."

"Early morning?!"

"Mhmm." I nod.

"Wow. You must be tired now?" She pat's my shoulder gently.

"Indeed... Aaaa after this. I want to go home and sleep on my comfortable, cozy, soft, and warm bed. I can't wait." She chuckled.

"Good thing I already finished it two days ago. If not... I can't imagine if I'm in your place now." I surprised with her confession.

"Two days ago?!" She nods and smiles.

"How?! The script is hard and we have to put many words there! To be honest it's not just me who comes early morning! There's lots who comes here and finished there script! Some do it at the park, some do it here, some do it in library and that includes me. How on earth you finished it so fast Teresa?!" She laughs really hard.

"Do you know? I have a secret for that..." She whispered to my ear and that makes me very curious till dead.

Finally! Someone wants to give me a solution for making a script more faster! Haha no need to wake up early morning for now on.

"Oh really?" She nods.

"If that so... Tell me your secret to me... Your my friend right? Please tell me... So I won't suffering from early morning to afternoon anymore..." I whispered to her ear.

"You really want to know?" I nod immediately. "Are you sure..." I nod many times. She looked around her carefully and it's only me and Teresa who's in the class now, when she done. She get closed to my ear and ready to whisper.

Yes! Good bye hard way! And hello... Simple way...

"My secret to do it fast is... Still a secret." What? "Haha I have to go now Ally bye!" She said it quickly and runs out from the class leaving me here with my curiosity.

Teresa you stingy!

"You still here." A manly voice that I know appears.

"Tristan?" He walks towards me and now his standing beside me, his really a tall man while I'm too little for him. he stood straight without bending in the slightest, His hair is pulled back very neat and his sharp cold gaze makes this man more perfect to stare.
I don't know why, but... If his closed to me like this and the way he looks at me... I couldn't look away except to see his perfection.

"Satisfied?" He give me a smirk and I was realized what I have done.

"Eee what you mean?" He let out his manly and gentle chuckle.

"Never mind. Let's go." He lend his hand and I grabbed him.

My god... So warm...


I'm in his luxury black car now, he's driving while I just looked at the window looking at the buildings and car's passed by. We're in silence, no conversation and no music to accompany.

This is so awkward as always...

He takes me home since we start dating, but he never really takes me in to my house. He just drop me off near my house. I'm glad he doesn't goes in, cause I really can't handle my talkative mother.

"Ben told me you looking for me?" Suddenly Tristan opens a conversation for us.

This is new.

"I'm just asked. That's all."I still looked at the window.

"I gave you my number right?"


"If you need anything. Just call me." Nope not gonna happen.

"Mhmm ok."

We didn't talk again. The silence comes again, that filling this car. This is not what I imagine about dating at all. I want my date thing to become romantic and sweet, like I read in Wattpad or like I watch in drama's.

But now... I found someone that's very cold, rigid, mysterious, and other things that's very far from romantic.

"Hey short." He opens the conversation again.


"My mother wants to meet you." I'm very shocked and looked at him.

"What?!" I think I shouted, cause he closed his eyes and immediately opens them.

"Can you low your voice short?!" Hey! Use your ears and listen... Your shouting too!

"I can't!"

"Just talk slowly! You can't talk slowly?!" His still focus on the road, cause his still driving duh.

"Not that!"


"I can't meet your mother!" I'm very irritated right now.

Tristan turn the car to a parking lot and stopped. He looked at me and I do the same as well.

"Why you can't?"

"Sigh... We're a fake couple Tristan... Do you forget about it?!" He shook his head. "So? If you remember... Why I have to meet your mother? I'm scared that she will put some hope for us. How you can explain it to your mother? I don't want to make someone sad. I'm gonna feel guilty for years."

He grabbed my shoulders and make himself more closer to me.

"You don't need to worry about that. I'll take care of it."

"No!" I shouted again. "I don't want to get more involve with this... I don't understand... Why you make me involve with this... You know? I'm always get bullied by others? Do you know Melissa and gang always bothering me with the sarcasm words? Do you know my college life change because of you? My beautiful and memorable college life becomes nightmare. And now... You want me to meet your mother? What problem should I have to accept again?"

"Ally." Suddenly I feel a wet thing on my cheeks, it falls easily and there lots of them.

"Tell me Tristan... Tell me..." I'm start to sobbing, I really can't control myself. This is very difficult for me. I never saw that such of face that they made when they saw me. Hate, disgust, and sarcasm that they throw to my face. While he founds his quietness from my misery.

I'm tired! I'm ti-.

All the sudden, Tristan hug's me and comforting me on his wide chest. I can smell his masculine cologne, his big manly arm's are hugging my waist and my back. I feel so warm, his cologne managed to make me relax. And I started to cry, my tears are falling so fast and there lots of them. I can feel his shirt starting to get wet, I want to let go but Tristan tighting his hug.

"Don't let go Ally... Let it all out... I'm here... I'm here." For the first time I hear his voice so gentle and he didn't call me short, he called my name. "Ally I don't know about this... I'm sorry." After I heard he apologize, I even more crying than before. He pat's my back gentlely to calm me down.

I think, this is a confession for him. A confession about my feelings... A confession that I always think about... A confession that really comes from my heart... A confession... That I have to confessed.

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