Mysterious Old Woman

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Author POV

Somewhere far away from them, there's two idiot humans just sit on the dining room while smiling in this beautiful morning. Looking at each other without talking, or maybe they are... With their minds.

"Are they doing it?" Lee asked, still wondering what they're doing right now and that night. Wild thoughts, surrounding in this human's head with no doubt ness and shame ness.

"Nah, I believe he didn't do it." Ben answered with full of confidence.

"How you know?" He asked, cause he was very sure if a man and a woman are in the same room... that means there will be something special that's going to happen.

"Simple, cause our bro is totally different from guys like you." Don't forget to give his friend over here a smirk.

"Fuck you!" Lee shows his middle finger with his Left hand, while Ben laughing so hard seing his friend reaction. "You know, when he contacted you for borrowing your apartment. I was kinda like, this is usually happens. But, when you said it's for Puppy... Yeah, I still believe they did it."

Ben immediately grab a spoon and hits it on Lee's head. He hit his head hard enough and makes him feel in pain. Lee rubs his head gently and pursing his lips.

"I already told you his not you! He told me that no one's home in puppy's house, he can't leave her with someone so he decided to borrowed my apartment and that's it." Lee rolled his eyes and stare at his friend with a sharp gaze.

"You sure about it brother? You know that his a straight man, right?" Don't forget to lick his own lips while his eyebrows goes up and down. Ben looked at Lee with an annoyed look to him and hit him again with the same spoon.


Back again to Tristan and Ally. They're in a completely silence now, so they got separated but still in Ben's apartment. Tristan is waiting for the online food to arrive, while Ally just finished with her shower and still think about what Tristan told to her.

"Ally, I still can control my self well. I won't do that to you, cause your special to me. Don't you ever compare me with those mens out there, believe me I'm different. And... I agree with you. Let's end this relationship between us instead of being a couple in a real way, don't answer it now. Think it very carefully cause I'm not going to force you about this, I'll wait."

She still can't process those words well in her mind, many good and bad thoughts were messing out in her head from Tristan started to talk till now. Her head feels heavy and dizzy so she decides to wash her face at the sink.

The cold water touches her skin and really makes it very fresh. She looked at the mirror that hangs above the sink and what a surprise she was. Her long clean neck been marked by him, she rolled her eyes annoyed.

"He can control his self huh... So what is this hmm?" She shook her head and makes her way out from the bathroom to the main room.

She found Tristan sitting on the couch while doing something with his laptop, Ally take her deep and let it out.

"Tristan, I-."

"You can't go home yet, eat first then you can leave." He said, without looking at her still standing straight.

Ding Dong!

Ally immediately looked at the door surprised. "Who could it be?" Her mind spoked like that.

"Finally the food is here." Tristan closed his laptop and heading to the main door. "Sit at the chair over there, I'll get the food." Ally just nod as her answer and obeying his words.

Tristan come and puts the food on the table. He sits facing Ally, put the food which is a sandwich to the table, and they eat it peacefully.

Ally still feel embarrassed she eats the sandwich by looking down, cause her memory starting to fill her head and that really makes her very a shame of herself. What she catch from her memory was, she's the one who teasing him and not the opposite of it.

"I should've drink last night! Haish! I don't want to drink again! This is very humiliating!" And other thoughts that she spoked just in her mind.

Tristan looked at Ally that's shook her head a little with her head still looking down. He smiled, he already know what's on her mind now. "She must be remembered what happened." His thought and back to see his phone again.


They arrived at Ally's house, using Ben's car for taking her here safely and still being watching by Tristan. He thought that his responsible if something happen to Ally and only God knows that he doesn't want any of that.

"Thank you for everything Tristan." Her low voice really shows that, she still feel a shame for what happened and her embarrassed action makes him want to tease her.

"Just a thank you?" Ally looked at Tristan and he just replied her stare with a gentle smile on his lips.

"Hmm... I'll treat you soon if you want?" She said, still in her low voice.

"Treat me what?" He asked, makes himself getting closer to her.

"Hmm... Food of course." She moved back, but it's no used till the car door becomes a wall for her.

Tristan take the sit belt off and continue making himself closer to Ally. "I don't need food for my payment. Besides, I already get the payment that I wanted from that night." He whispered to her ear and manage to make her shivered.

His back to his sit and Ally immediately takes off her sit belt while pursing her lips annoyed.

"Bye Tristan." When she opens the door.

"Ally." She turned around to see him. "Remember to give me your answer, ok?" She nods and go in to her house while Tristan immediately drives the car away from there.

Without realizing, that someone been following them all the time and taking pictures of them. A man with a black tidy suit send all the pictures that he get to someone. He saw that Tristan is already drive the car and he immediately follows. His phone rings and he answer it while still driving to follow him from behind.

"Yes boss." The man said, there's a woman's voice who's speak on the phone right now. "I'm following him right now boss." The woman doesn't agree him to follow Tristan anymore and command him to facing her right now. "I'm on my way." Without any doubt ness, he obeying her words easily and drive leaving Tristan behind.


Knock knock knock.

"Come in." The same woman from the phone, sip her lovely tea and wait for this man to come.

The door was opened and the same man that's spying on Tristan standing straight near the door.

"Sit down Harry." The man who is called Harry closed the door tight and sits facing this woman that's already old for her age. "Tell me everything that you see with your two sharp eyes Harry."

"Yes boss." Harry started to tell everything that he sees and this old woman who is called boss really listening to him very seriously without any gap.

Who's this mysterious old woman?

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