Snowflake (I)

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Snowflake POV

I looked at the car window and catched the village's view. My parents are sending me to Uncle's and Aunty's house cause they'll be busy for a long time.

There's a driver that drives us, my Father sits next to him and my Mother sits next to me while giving me some instructions to behave there.

"Remember, be good to Uncle John and Aunty May. Help Aunty May anything that you can do for her, for example do the dishes cause they don't have maids there. Always keep your room clean, cause I know that Uncle John is always judging someone silently and always keep your words properly. Even though I know that you're very good for speaking, so... You got them all?" I try to remembering it all and finally nodded. "Now that's my clever son." Her warm smile makes me smiled back and she pat's my head gently.

"We're here." My father said.

I immediately looked at the window again and found a small house that's full of plants there. Not only flowers, there's different kinds of vegetables also.

So this is the house looks like...

Uncle John and Aunty May are out from the house. I can see she smiled while Uncle is stay on his flat face. My father comes out first to greet them, while the driver opens the door for Mother and me.

Aunty May ran towards me and immediately gave me a friendly hug. "Ahem you forgetting me?" I heard my Mother saids that, Aunty just smiled to her and hugs her immediately.

I know that my Mother and Aunty May are biological sisters. My Mother is older 5 years from her and I could see that she's very spoiled with my Mother. They have a fun chitchats and I don't wanna bother them so I just looked around and try to remind everything here. Who knows I need to go out all by myself and be back here again.

"Dear..." A soft voice from Aunty May called me. "Don't be stiff about being here, make yourself like home will you?"

"Yes Aunty May."


I'm in my room that has been prepared for me and It's nice. The room is suitable, clean, and the view from the window was the vegetables that plans healthy in the yard.

I put my suitcase and start to tidying it up by myself. Till someone knocked the door, I turned out and find Uncle John was standing near it.

"Kid." He called.

"Yes Uncle John?" I asked.

"Uncle just want you to know that you'll be staying here for months and about your study we're already preparing an online class for you. So you'll be in a regular activities like you always do just the place and how you study that's different, you got that kid?" He asked with a flat stare.

"I understand Uncle John." He nodded, when he walks out he back again to the same spot and said. "Don't be too formal kid, we're a family."

"I'll try." He messing with my hair and walks away from my room.

I took out my clothes from the suitcase and start to tidying it up by putting them in the wood cupboard. When I'm done with it, Aunty May comes.

"Wow how tidy, you did well dear." She praised.

"Thank you Aunty May." She gave me her warm smile, just like my Mother's.

"Come on, I'll take you traveling around the village. I got something to buy there."


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