I Wanna Leave!

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"What you doing here short?" A familiar cold tone managed to make me freeze for while until I meet his sharp eyes.


What's he doing here?

I still in a freeze mode, while seeing his cold self watching me in a dangerous gaze. I don't know why I feel totally scared right now. My body shakes but only me can feel it, hoping they won't recognize this shaky body. He still standing in front of me, waiting for my answer and I think his not going to asked the same question for the second time.

I really don't know what to do now! I even can't open my mouth to speak! Why I'm freaking scared right now?!

"Can't you see? We're just eating ice cream in this crowded place, is this wrong?" It's not me who said that, it's Mario. He sounded relax with his words, but I can feel his tone like challenged him.

"I'm asking her and not you, thank you." His eyes never left mine, he keeps staring me with his cold gaze.

"I just help her answering your question." He didn't care and didn't move even just to stare at him. While I keep freeze at my place, don't know what to do. "Stop staring her like that. Can't you see she's scared right now?" This time, he looks at Mario with his flat face or should I say emotionless.

"Scared?" He slightly looked at me and back to Mario again. "What is there to fear from me?" He asked with his husky voice.

Eee hello.

Don't forget what you always did to me when you got mad.

Or that cold and dangerous gaze that you always gave when you mad like this.

"You can't feel she's scared with you?" He slightly laughed and shook his head and back to Tristan with an annoyed face. "What you really do with her all this time bro?" Tristan gets irritated now.

"What you mean by that?" I can feel his dangerous aura so clear.

This needs to stop!

Or it's getting worse!

"What I meant was... How you treated her all this time? Have you treating her right?"

"Why you asked? Non of your business."

"Yeah you can say that, but I'm worrying her." Tristan took a step to get closed to Mario, he still with his cold gaze staring at him with no fear.

"No need, my relationship is my privacy. No one can't just come and to intervene my privacy like that. If, you worrying her. I suggest you to walk away now, I'm serious."

"What? So you can do something to this weak little girl?" Mario stand's from the chair and getting irritated.

"Something? What kind?"

"Bad thing's."

Ok! This is enough!

"Stop!" I said with a little high voice, finally comes out from my mouth. They looked at me, I stand from the chair and try to continue. "We're in a public place now, please."


"Mario, thanks for today. I'm going home now." I picked up my bag and still holding on my ice cream.

"If that so, Be careful." I nod, when I try to give Tristan a signal. He walks first, like he already knows I'm going to follow him.

I waved at Mario and try to catching up with Tristan's big steps now.

I'm doomed.


The car stopped in the same spot when he drives me home. Not like usual, he used a driver and a different luxurious black car now. Even his fashion today is more mature and bossy, I almost didn't recognize him at the park that time.

I think, he has an event or some business that I don't know. So that's why he never show up at the University today.

We're in a awkward situation now, we're always in silence. From the beginning I went in to this car until now. No speech from both of us, but. Cause I'm now near at my house now, I decide to start a short conversation.

"Tristan." From the beginning till now, he always busy with his phone and finally he stopped and start to look at me. This time, his staring me with a normal gaze now not just like when we're in the park.

He didn't speak anything or react anything, he just looks at me and waits for my next speech.

"About what that guy and Melissa did to me, I just wanna say thank you for your help and your friends also." He didn't reacts or answer me. His face doesn't show any coldness or anger there, just a flat handsome face still staring at me attached.

Wait, did I just said handsome?!

In this situation, I can still say that?!

I'm getting insane.

He still shutting his mouth and wait for my next speech. I don't know why, but he in this action now is making me more nervous and scared. I rather to see his cold gaze or listening to his argument than this. I don't know what to say again and I don't want to talk about me and Mario eating ice cream in the park that time. So I decide.

To end this conversation and go home in peacefully!

"Well, I have to go now. Thank you for the ride, see ya."

That's awkward.

I don't care!

At least I can go home now.

When I open the car door, a big masculine hand shut the door again and locked the door. He blocked my way to escape, I'm trapped with his figure. I automatically shutting my eyes tight, cause I'm very terrified right now. My heart beats fast, I can feel his breath touches my skin softly.

Suddenly I can feel his big hand touches my chin, make me faced to him. I keep shutting my eyes and I don't want to be curious with his face now.

Nu uh!

"Look at me short." I keep shutting my eyes, cause I'm too scared to open it.

I smelled his sharp cologne and his hard breath started to touches my face. I can imagine we're very closed now, this is getting creepy.

I wanna leave!

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