Please Make Me Strong

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This is the eleven times I've been slammed like this, until my body getting used to this. No defense, no resistance, no grumbling from my mouth. Just, resignation in me now.

I'm still laying on this mattress, while I can see him shook his head and sighed. Well, hope his giving up on me now. Cause I'm getting tired with this lesson, especially when his mentored me. His being more colder and arrogant. Believe me, his not good at teaching.

"Are you really that dumb?" Here we go again, I managed to sit and rolled my eyes getting bored with his lecture. And don't forget about his intimidations. "How many times do I have to tell you to move fast!"

"And how many times do I have to tell you that I never ever learned this in my whole life! Be patient if you want to teach me will you?!" He sighed once more, this time is more deeper than the last time.

"Just said that your not smart enough to learn fast short." I looked at him sharp, but he doesn't react anything to me. He start to staring at me sharp like I do to him now. "What? Am I too honest?"

"I'm not stupid Tristan!" I spoke too loud and how surprised I was when he smirk at me.

"Who said you stupid?" He asked.

"Of course you!" And what a surprise again. He started to chuckled and that really makes me more mad than before.

"I never felt that I said that."

"Yes you were!" I get up and crossing my hands between my chest and my belly.

"Do you have any proof for that?" His face is getting annoyed me.

"I don't, but I remembered all!" He started to chuckled again while I'm hiding my palm, which is already clenched.

"Well then, tell me what you remembered from the beginning till now."

"I don't need to tell you anything now." Unexpectedly, my anger starts to controlling my body. I can feel my body moves faster than before, I move forward to him and he tries to avoid it. But this time, I move faster than him. I managed to grab his hand with my two hands and power up myself to slammed this guy down. And... What a unbelievable thing, I really did it.


He got slammed by me. I still see him laying down on the mattress while I still can't believe what I just did. But one thing that I know was... Finally! I beat this arrogant guy!

Suddenly a smirk appears from my lips and maybe this is the time I a little showing off to him or maybe like he always do to me.

Hehehe, I really waited and wanted for this moment for a long time. And finally God give me a chance to do what I wanted to do to him. Without further ado, it's time for me to shine baby! I really don't want this moment to be wasted!

"Ahem." He looked at me with his one eyebrow lifted. "Who's the stupid now huh?" When he tried to open his mouth, I managed to stop him with shushing on him easily. "Shhhhh, you lose now. So I won't let you to speak now." I smiled really wide. "Well... Lesson learned, don't ever messed with Ally Evergreen!" I chuckled.

"Yeah yeah, you win short. I admit it." His now on a sit position, while I'm still standing near him. "And for that, I'll give you a reward." Suddenly a smirk came from his lips and that makes me confused.

His fast leg, managed to make me fall to him and I accidentally lay on his chest. I realize this position is not safe for me, but he suddenly rolled his body and makes me under him. I can feel my heartbeat going fast and what makes this heart beats more faster is. He kissed me all the sudden, my eyes wide open and tries to let go from him by hitting his chest hard.

I try and try again but it won't work, till I gave up and let him be. His kiss are getting deeper and I can't do anything but to follow his actions. His tongue really tingling inside my mouth and it really feels warm. But suddenly, I'm wondering about this.

Is he really this expert?

So... That means... He always kiss just like this with other woman's than me.

For example, his ex.

Everytime I think about it and I really think it very deeply. It just makes my head hurts and hating him more. In my eyes... His a gentleman, a perfect person, and very intelligent. I like it and I could say I'm respect for him. But, I really hate him when he plays me like this. Just like I really wanna scream to his face that...

I'm not your toy!

But, what a shame...

I don't have that bravery to said that.

My breath gets more heavier than before and that means I really need a fresh air right now. I hit his chest more harder now and finally he understands and let's go of me. We're both taking our breathes now, I really can hear our heavy breathes so clear.

We're still on the same position, his on top of me while I'm laying under him and I can't do anything to free myself cause he really trapping me here.

"You nuts." Finally I open a conversation between us. He chuckles when he heard that from me.

"You don't like the reward Ally?" Why?! At times like this, you called my name! And not calling me short!

"Of course not! This is not a reward that I expected!" His deep laugh really makes me annoyed.

"Really? Cause what I see now was... You look very satisfied with my reward that I gave you, Ally." I can feel my cheeks heated up right now and that makes his laugh getting annoying now. I think my cheeks were very red and good thing I didn't see myself so blushing because of this man up me.

"Stop it... I really hate when you do this..." I can hear myself like begging to him, I think his happy when he hearing this and then he let's go of me.

"You must be tired, I'll treat you an ice cream for boosting your strength back. Then, let's continue your lesson again." He sits and stretching his body.

"Wait! What you mean again?!" I sit spontaneously and stare at him with an unbelieve face.

"You did it for one time, it doesn't mean you already master it well." He stands near me and stretched out his hand to help me up.

"Can we do it in other time?" He shook his head and that makes my lips pursed.

"Come on you lazy cat." He teased me.

"I'm not a cat!" I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up just with his right hand.

He smiled at me, this time his smile is more gentle and that really makes me blush a while.


Please make me strong...

Cause his really... A stunning man that I ever met.


I don't think I can't make him mine that easily.

And I even didn't know how he really feels about me.

Please God...

Please make me strong...

I'm begging you...

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