Little Girl (II)

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It's time for me to head back home, I grabbed my book and start to walks. Ignoring for what they do to her, but I stopped when I feel a pebble hit my head. I couldn't help but turn around to see these childish people, they all smirked at me.

"Well well! There's a newbie here!"

Not forgetting the taunts they threw at me, but I paid them no more attention by turning around and starting to walk again. I stopped walking a second time for the same reason, namely the pebble managed to touch my head again. I couldn't help but turn around to see those who were already making sarcastic faces.

"Once again this pebble hits my head again, I will make you guys truly regret it." I threatened coldly. It seemed like they didn't feel threatened at all, I could see from their faces that they were actually challenging me. I didn't care as long as they didn't throw any more pebbles, so I went back to walk again.

I only took one step, three pebbles hit my head at once. They laughed out loud and I started to feel mad at their actions. The cold wind greeted my anger that I couldn't hold back anymore. I turned around and picked up the three pebbles and then stood up straight calmly.

"Oh we're so scared right now, whatcha gonna do now loser?" The fat one said with an annoying face.

"This." I stared them sharply and immediately throws the pebbles fastly to their foreheads one by one. "Head shots." They all groaned in pain and I ran to them to face my fist. "One." I punched the fat one first. "Two." Continue with the red hat one. "Three." And the last one with the black glasses. They all fell and I noticed their cheek's were all darken red because of my fists. I moved closer to them and they all looked scared while sobbing under me.

"Don't move closer!" They said, I didn't care and still moves closer to them till our faces closed just for inches away.

"If I said will make you guys truly regret it, I really mean it." They all begging for not hitting them again, I just sighed and back to see their eyes. "Remember me and my words now. Don't messed up with me and her again." I looked at the little girl that still sobbing while looking at me with her green round eyes.

"Yes yes we're promise, we're promise!" They all cried and I nodded.

"Now go." I simply answered and they all runaway in rush.

The cat plushie just left on the ground by them, I took it and give it to the little girl. She's still sitting on the ground while hugging her knees closed, her long light blonde hair was blow by the wind and she looked at me with her wet round green eyes.

"Take it." I said and she took it from me slowly with her little right arm.

"Thank you." She said with her low voice and smiled.

I nodded and feel the weather is getting colder. Till a snowflakes comes down one by one and slowly. We looked up and yeah... It'll be snow. Oh, it's December now and it just for a few days left for Christmas. I just remembered it now, maybe this will be my first Christmas without my parents.

"Go home now, today it's going more cold and icy." I said before leaving her.

"Wait." I stopped and turned to look at her who was still trying to get up slowly. I slightly smiled when knowing that she is little, she jogged towards me while hugging her cat plushie and stopped in front of me. "I'm Ally." She said.

"I'm not saying my name to strangers." I answered and I can see she pursed her lips even though she covered her lips with the plushie.

"So... We're strangers?" I just answered a mhmm to her. "So why you helping a stranger then?" She asked.

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