Hot Situation

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"Impossible!" She looked at me with her unbelieve big stare to me.

I just shut my mouth tight so I won't mess anything, but on the other side. I'm very glad now, good thing Lee tells everything that he knows about my tragedy that night in message.

Melissa... She's the one who planned it.

But... How could she... Think something like this?

If Tristan didn't came, that means I'll lost my virginity and my pride as a woman.

Is she really that rude to ruin me?! Or is she really that obsessed with Tristan?!

Whatever it is, I can't forgive her!

When I got that message from Lee, I immediately went to the mirror and looked at my neck that full of Tristan's hickeys. I can't go to university just like this! Or covered them with just a scarf! What if she opens it forcedly?! Then I decided to open my phone and search it on internet, a way to get rid of this hickeys fast!


It can't be removed easily. It needs time and process, this hickeys won't disappear just for a hour or even a day! Ok, I'm doom on her hands. Until I read something about, while waiting for that process... You can covering them with scarf, shall, or even... Makeup will do.

Genius! Internet is really a genius!

I immediately apply some foundation and powder on my neck. And it really works until now!

Thank you God...

"H-how?" She asked.

I think I need to play a little drama over here, it needs... More spices I could say.

"What are you expecting Melissa? Why you pulled my scarf away?" I asked, maybe in a little dramatic way.

"Don't pretend to not knowing this bitch!" I can feel she's getting irritated.

This is fun.

"Pretend? I don't get it." I asked and I can see her face turns into red, I don't know it's because of she's embarrassed, mad, or... Both?

"We saw you playing fire with someone that's not Tristan you bitch!" Vanessa's expression makes everyone here starts to gossiping about me in whisper.

"Playing fire? I don't get what you guys mean?" I think I can handle this.


"I don't get it why you guys doing this to me?!" I get my voice a little high, so everyone can hear my voice very clear and will understand everything. "I love Tristan so much and he felt the same thing to me. And I'll never gonna betrayed his love that he gave me and he really trusted his feeling's to me."

Everyone now is focussing on me, when Melissa tried to open her mouth. I cut it fast. "If you guys saying I'm playing fire! Then... I am playing fire with Tristan Winters!"

Some are getting shocked, some looks slightly smiling till punches there friends, and some are whispering at each other. When she tried to speak, I cut her again.

"So why? Why you doing this? Are you really that obsessed with Tristan? So you'll do anything to make him your's?!" Everyone's eyes are on to Melissa now.


"What if... I gave up on him, so you bothering me again." I really feel this situation is getting hot like those Mexicans chilli sauce and I can see her face getting redder. "But, one question. If his being single again and you come to him, is he going to accept you Melissa? And not rejected you again just like before?"

"Shut your fucking mouth!" She screamed, her face is getting scary. She really can't control her emotion's now, suddenly. She looked at me with a deathly stare, walk towards me and...


Ey? Why it's not hurt? She's going to slap me right?

I managed to closed my eyes when she tries to slap me. But, I don't know why I don't feel anything now? I tried to open my eyes slowly, and... I catch a tall figure infront of me with his one hand managed to grab her hand, it's a man. But... His not Tristan, Ben, or even Lee. It's...


"Enough Melissa... Your actions is way too over." I'm very shocked now, I still can't believe my eyes. Seeing this man was Mario.

Jade runs to me and grabbing my shoulders. "You good?" I nod to her as a yes.

Mario let's go of her hand and his friends Lucas, Mark, and Brian helped him to disbanded everyone here. "Come on people! There's nothing to see here again! It's all over! Back to your own business!" Lucas shouts and everyone back to there own problems now.

Mario looked at me slightly and backed to Melissa again. "Off you go now." Melissa looks at me with still, her deadly stare.

"We're not finished yet, remember that!" She's pointing on me and then leave with her gang.

Everything's done now, at least for today. I don't know what's going to happen on the next day or even on the next hour, but yeah like I said. For this problem, is totally finished.

And... I could say I win from her!

Mario looked at me again and I do the same thing. "You ok little one?" He asked and I just give him a nod and my smile.

"Thanks Mario, You really helped me." He smiled to me and maybe... Just maybe ok, his blushing?

"Hey not fair!" Brian shout and three of them comes to us.

"We help you too you know?" Mark saids and I just chuckled for their actions.

"Thanks you guys." I said, but. I think they don't looked satisfied.

"Ehem we have names too." Lucas said with a grumpy tone.

"Hey... You guys-." I grabbed Jade's hand and she understands what I mean.

"Thanks Lucas, thanks Mark, and thanks... For Brian." Now they looked satisfied and give me there wide smile, Jade looks at them while shook her head.


"Hey little one!" I turned around and find Mario was the one who calls me. He walks towards me and stopped giving us a little space.

"Sigh... Don't call me little one." He lifted his shoulders like his going to say "I don't care".

"You free after college?" He asked.

"Hmm yeah. No homework for today and... No activities to do for today, so I'll be free to do anything. Why?" I can see his happy to hear my replied.

"How about were going out for eating ice cream, today is kinda hot and... I don't have a friend to accompany me haha." He rubbed his nape and I just give him a chuckle. "So... You want it?"

"Sure, I love ice cream. Especially for this hot season." I flapping my hand, cause really. This season is getting hotter than usual.

"Great, see you then!" He lifted his hand and giving me his warm smile.

"See ya friend!" I waved at him and we're back to our own business.

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