Been Tailed By Kitten (III)

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"Once again we're very sorry for our son's behavior Mister Rudwick." Now I know that, Mister Rudwick is the little girl's grandfather. Not just that, his a village headman here and this is why the Mothers are very obeying him. I could see their reactions are really respecting him and that includes Aunty May.

The Mothers are very embarrassed for what happened and one of them pinched her son's ear till he begged his mother to stop. Mister Rudwick stopped her action to her own son. "Try to talk with him slowly, don't need to be hard on him. Trust me, it won't work." She stopped pinching her son's ear and apologizing again for what happened.

Finally they're leaving us except Mister Rudwick and his granddaughter. He suddenly messing with my hair and thanking me to defend his granddaughter that day. Which I didn't feel that way and I looked at this little girl showing her thumbs up at me.

"But I-." Suddenly Aunty grabs my shoulders tight and managed to cut my words.

"That's my nephew... His really a good kid, isn't he?" I can see she smiled wide and Mister Rudwick laughs in proud.

"Yes, he surely is." He pats my head and I just in a flat face cause everything about what happened last night most of it was a fake. I didn't defended her at all, I'm just defending myself and just that. "To express my gratitude, I want to invite your family to celebrate Christmas Eve at my house. not just the two of us, there are several other guests who will be attending. What do you think Miss May?"

"Why of course... It would be a great honor for us, I will tell my husband about this." She said with full of excitement.

"Glad to hear, well then. We should probably go home now, right sweety?" He said while rubbing this little girl gently.

"Oh yes, once again thank you for helping us Mister Rudwick." She said politely.

"Not a problem Miss May, Merry Christmas all."

"Merry Christmas Mister Rudwick and to you sweet heart." She pinched her cheek and give a warm smile at her.

"Merry Christmas ma'am and Merry Christmas Snowflake." I looked at her surprised, is she really going to call me Snowflake?


On the next day, Uncle started to relapse again. He asked me to go out and socialize somewhere out from here. I already tried to giving him many excuses, but it didn't work at all. The proof now is I'm on my way to that park again, even though I got a bad feeling about it and I don't know why?

I took a slowly steps while looking at the village's view that's already been covered by the white snow and feel the cold weather blew at all part's of me. Well not too cold, thanks for my thick jacket and scarf.

Every step I took, feels like someone's following me. Everytime I checked, there's no one at my back. I thought I'm just being paranoid, but I kept thinking about it. I decided to go into a narrow alley quickly to trap the person then turned around and ran as fast as possible to startle the perpetrator. I met with the person and make this person fall to the ground cause being surprised with my presence.

I was right...

I am being followed.


This stray kitten.

"Ouch..." She groaned while rubbing her bottom carefully.

"Why you following me little stalker?" I asked in a flat tone, she looked at me with her innocent stare and get up from the ground slowly.

"I'm not following you." She said in a low voice and lowing her head while playing with her little fingers.

"Great, now the little stalker becomes a pinochio now. Should I punish this little Miss pinochio by lengthen her nose?" I asked and pinched her nose briefly. She immediately closed her nose with her two little hands and shook her head at me.

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