Chapter 1

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"Mommy!! Mommy!!" 3 year old y/n screeched.

"Yes darling?" Her mom asked.

"Can we go to the park? I wanna go play!! I wanna go play at the park!!!" Y/n said excitedly.

"Well, it is a nice day outside. Your father isn't home yet and there is nothing else to do so why not!" Her mom shrugged.

Y/n shouts with joy as her 3 year old legs wabble to the door. She slips on her baby sneakers and grabs her little coat.


Little Y/n was at the sand box, building a sand castle. Well, technically a sand mess. She had sand all over her legs and her castle was just a pile.

When Y/n was making some touches, a pile of sand was poured onto her "castle". She looked up to see a young boy around her age at the tractor. He was picking up sand in the claw and dumping it on her work of art.

Y/n eyes started to get glossy. "You ruined my castle!!" She screamed.

"That wasn't a castle. That was a pile of sand. It wasn't that pretty anyways." The little boy said.

As he walks over to her, a tear slips from Y/n's eye. The little boy sees, stands in front of her, and looks at her sadly.

"I'm sorry I ruined your castle, pretty girl." He said sadly.

Y/n chuckles at what the little boy calls her. She likes it. Her papa always called her that when she was in fancy clothing.

"Thank you, pretty boy." Y/n chuckled.

"What's your name, pretty girl?" He asked.

"My name is Y/n." She replied.

"I like it. But, I like calling you pretty girl. My name is Sean." He said.

"Nice to meet you Sean. I like pretty boy better." Y/n chuckled.

"Y/n!! C'mere for a second!!" Her mom yelled.

As Y/n gets up, sand trickles down her legs into the pile of sand that was already there. Sean lets out a small laugh.

She runs over to her mother, before getting her legs pat down. Y/n sits on her mother's lap and looks up at her.

"What is it mommy?" Y/n asked sweetly with her small innocent voice.

"Did you make a new friend over there?" Her mother asked, pointing towards Sean.

"Yeah!! His name is Sean. I call him pretty boy and he calls me pretty girl!" Y/n cheered.

"Well you are a lucky little girl, aren't you y/n?" Her mom asked.

"Yeah mommy!! Can I go play now?" Y/n whined.

"Yes. But I want to meet your friend. Is that okay?" Her mom asked.

"Yes. Now c'mon!!! I wanna go play!!" Y/n said dragging her mom behind her as her 3 year old feet run towards pretty boy Sean.

"Hello pretty girl!! Came back to play?" He asked shyly.

"Yeah!! But, my mommy wants to say hi." Y/n mumbled.

Y/n's mom chuckles as she bends down in front of little Sean. He looks so shy, yet so happy.

"Hi, I'm Y/n's mom. What's your name?" Y/n's mom asked.

"I'm Sean!! My mommy is over there. You can go talk to her." Sean said pointing to his mom.

Y/n's mom chuckles as she gets up. She gives Y/n a kiss on the head, then goes to talk to Sean's mother.

"C'mon pretty girl!! Let's go and play!!" Sean said grabbing her hand and heading towards the swings.


"Are you going to school?" Pretty boy asked.

"Yeah. My mommy says I going to pre-school because my daddy wants me to learn my abc's." Y/n responded.

"Well, I'm going to pre-school also. But, my momma says its just for this year. She says she wants me to go to big boy school when I'm year-"

"Y/n!! Time to go home!!!" Her mom yelled to her.

"I have to go pretty boy." Y/n said sadly.

"Oh, okay. Bye pretty girl." Sean said.

They jump off the swing and Sean gives Y/n a hug and she hugs back. As they part, Y/n runs over to her mom and they walk home.

Sean's Story With Me {Jacksepticeye} #Wattys2017जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें