Chapter 23

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Still that night...

"Mark, I'm sorry. But, I have to-"

"No please. Go. I want you to be happy." Mark said smiling.

"Thank you so much! I promise, I'll repay you." Y/n said.

She kissed his cheek and waved by at him before running after Sean. When she bursted out the restaurant doors, it wasn't long until she found Sean running towards the park. She ran after him following him the whole way there.

"Sean!" She cried out.

Sean looked behind him and saw Y/n. He turned around and ran away from her. Y/n groaned in frustration as she kept running, calling his name over and over again.

When she finally got near Sean, in the park, she tackled him, making them both fall to the ground. Sean groaned in pain with depression written all over his face.

"Sean!" Y/n said hugging her friend tightly on the ground.

"Why are you here!? Get away from me you betrayer!" Sean said trying to push Y/n off with all his might.

Though, Y/n was gripping so hard that he couldn't. There, they lay on the ground with Sean still struggling to get Y/n off of him. Y/n had her face nuzzled into the crook of his neck while small tears flowed down her face.

Then, Sean just stopped trying after he realized that Y/n was something he needed to hold onto for a while. Not as a girlfriend, but a friend. 22 years of being together was all they could ever think about now.

Sean's struggles went from harsh to softness as his arms twined around Y/n's slender body. He cried into her shoulder, leaving them in the dirt of the park's path.

"Why did you let me go?" Y/n asked whispering into Sean's neck.

"I'm sorry! I just couldn't help it. My mind did it on its own. When I finally realized what happened, it just went bonkers." Sean said crying onto Y/n's shoulder.

"Sean, I may not say this a lot, but, I love you. You really are the truly best friend I could ever come to known. If I couldn't be your friend, then, that means I would of been a spec of dust, still floating in the towns of Paris." Y/n said into his neck.

Sean made Y/n let go of him as he let go of her. He got up and held out his hand for her to grab. She accepted and was flattered to feel the soft touch of Sean's hand again. She knew she was missing out on something special.

They stood in front of each other, hand in hand, as both smiled at one another. This was all they needed for a few months. Even though they were beat up badly, especially Sean, their friendship would still never go to waist.


Sean and Y/n laid in the grass still in the park. They gazed upon the stars that twinkled in the night sky. A peaceful silence was between the two friends which neither didn't mind at all.

Then Y/n's phone went off. Sean looked over at Y/n while she got out her phone to check. It was a text from Mark.

Hey babe! Are you coming home soon? I miss you!:( <3

Y/n chuckled and texted back.

I'm out in the park with Sean. Laying in the grass, looking at the stars and just talking. I will be home soon. I promise. But, I'm pretty sure Sean will walk me home, as friends, so we'll be at the doorstep. Don't worry. I'm fine. I miss you also. <3

Mark is typing...

Y/n out her phone down next to her as she locked it, letting it just for Mark to keep typing. She saw that Sean was looking over at there small conversation. He looked at her with a straight face.

"What!?" Y/n asked chuckling.

"You two really love each other, don't you?" Sean asked.

"Yeah. Mark is so nice to me. I love him with all my heart." Y/n said repositioning herself so her hands were behind her head as she looked up to the stars.

"Mark is a nice guy, that is true. He's a great friend. I really do see a great future with you two." Sean said still with his eyes on focus on Y/n.

Y/n could feel that his eyes were fixed on her. She smiled and looked back over at him. She raised an eyebrow as Sean flashed a goofy smile. Y/n laughed and did the same back. They both laughed together.

Then Y/n's phone went off again. She went to go answer it but Sean put her hand on hers. Y/n gasped and looked over at beat up Sean.

"Don't please. Keep this moment flowing and don't ruin it with a text." Sean whispered.

Y/n looked at Sean then back to her phone. She sighed and let it sit there next to her, leaving the text unread nor unanswered.

Sean smiled and wrapped his arm around Y/n's neck. He brought her closer to him so her head rested on his neck. Y/n scooted the rest of her body towards Sean, wrapping his arm up onto her stomach. She lay on her side with both of them looking at the stars together.

"Y/n, I...I just.... oh never mind." Sean said.

"No, please Sean. Tell me what it is." Y/n said.

"I wanted to say, thank you. Thank you for being my friend for 22 years. I never thought that we would ever see each other again after I left for collage and we only saw each other for 4 days. It really did bum me out but every time we came back, you had that big smile on your face that just kept me going! You really know how to make people smile, especially me. You are the best I could ever imagine for. So, thank you." Sean said.

"Thank you Sean also. For also being my friend for the better and worse. Even though we just came out of 'hating' each other, we really do know how to make each other happy. To be honest, I love you." Y/n said.

Sean went from happy to shock in the speed of light. He didn't know if he herd Y/n right but he's pretty sure he herd what she said.

"Sean, did you hear me?" Y/n asked with her eyes closed, her face nuzzled now into his side.

"N-no. No I didn't." Sean lied.

He really wanted to hear her say it again. There was no other words for him to hear right now but the words...

"I love you." Y/n repeated.

Sean flashed a smile even though Y/n couldn't see it. He could feel Y/n's breathing which was very steady and smooth. Her chest was moving up and down slowly. She was asleep.

"I love you too, Y/n" Sean whispered before falling asleep as well.


Y/n, you better come home tonight. I don't think you should be out there with Sean because I know something may happen. I love you so much and I know you love me as well but please come home very soon. It seems like you don't care for me anymore. I keep looking at the drawing you made right now and I see your fantastic smile shining at me. Please, whatever happens, come home. I want to cuddle with you, have a night talk before we both go to bed. Please Y/n, anything for you to just come back home. I love you Y/n. Please come home.

Sean's Story With Me {Jacksepticeye} #Wattys2017Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz