Chapter 22

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Y/n and Sean weren't excited...

Y/n and Mark walked hand in hand to the restaurant. They kept close together because Mark didn't want anything to happen to her, or to them.

Keeping a small conversation, they stopped in front of the restaurant and let go of their hands because they saw Sean waiting at the door for them already.

"Okay, I don't want him to suspect anything so just to say, we'll have some fun when we get back, okay?" Mark asked.

"Yeah. I agree." Y/n said.

Mark kissed Y/n's cheek before opening the door for Y/n so they can enter. Y/n opened the other door and let Mark in before letting the door close behind her.

Sean saw them and stood up from the seat. He went to step toward but he stopped himself from doing it. Mark had a huge smile and hugged Sean tightly.

"Hey bro!" Mark said.

Sean hugged Mark back and patted his back. They broke from the hug then Sean and Y/n stood in front of each other with bad tension between them. Y/n looked at Sean with an angry face while Sean stood there with a very depressed face.

Sean was actually beat up badly. He had a black eye just like Y/n. His lip was cut and his cheek was red and puffy. Sean looked at Y/n's face seeing that he gave her a black eye.

"I'm sorry." Sean whispered very quietly.

"Can we get our seats?" Y/n asked Mark still staring up at Sean.

"Yeah. We can." Mark said.


Mark, Sean, and Y/n sat at a round booth. They were separately apart from each other. Y/n who had to sit between them. It was quiet between them, not a word breaking the bubblegum machine. Except

"So, how've you been?" Sean asked.

"I've been good. I'm moving here pretty soon so my stuff has been packing up and being sent here." Mark said.

"Oh that's awesome! We can hang out much more often then we used to!" Sean said super excited.

"Yeah but I'm going to miss Bob and Wade. But, oh well, at least I got friends here." Mark said smiling.

"Yeah! How about you Y/n?" Sean asked.

"I've been better." Y/n said coldly.

"Why can't we just forget about about what happened before and be friends again?" Sean asked.

"Because, you hurt me pretty bad, Sean." Y/n said gripping her knife.

"Oh c'mon Y/n! That's in the past! Why can't we just be friends like we used to!?" Sean asked raising his voice.

"BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO!" Y/n yelled slapping her hands on the table.

The restaurant got quiet as everyone stared at them. Y/n looked around with her eyes piercing with anger,

"What are you looking at!?" Y/n asked angry then ever.

Everyone looked away and went back to their chit-chatting. Mark, Sean, and Y/n went back to their awkward silence.

"Hello, My name is Jess. Today I'm your waiter. Let's start off with drinks. What do you guys want?" Jess asked.

"Beer." Sean said.

"Same." Mark said.

"I'll have a water." Y/n said.

Jess nodded and walked away to get the drinks. As always, they sat there in silence. Y/n slouched in the booth and covered her face with her hands. Sean and Mark herd sniffles come from her. They both looked at her and went to comfort her.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" Mark asked.

"I'm tired of fighting. I can't stand this anymore. All I want is for all of us to be friends again. You, Sean, and I." Y/n cried into her hands.

"Can I talk to Y/n, in private Mark?" Sean asked.

"Y-yeah. Go ahead. I'll wait here." Mark said scooting away.

Sean got out of the booth and grabbed Y/n's hand. He took her outside and sat down with her on the bench in front of the restaurant.

"Sean, I am so, so sorry I beat you up. I never did mean to." Y/n cried stuttering her words.

"You are fine. I promise. I deserved it anyways. I really wanted to say sorry also. After those few months, Signe really wasn't proud of me of how I acted and, she just, left. I was alone Y/n. I would dream of you being with me every night. I never want to loose my best friend ever again. Will you please forgive me?" Sean asked.

Y/n nodded her head as they went into a big hug. Y/n kept crying a small bit on his shoulder as he rubbed her back a small bit.

"Now, let's go back to see if we got our drinks back in there." Sean said pulling away from the hug.

Y/n nodded as they both walked into the restaurant hand in hand. When they got back, Mark was just sitting in the booth looking at his phone. He was on Twitter answering to his fans which he was proudly to do.

"Hello! Feeling better?" Mark asked shooting closer to Y/n.

"Yes I am actually. We are now good buddies, right?" Y/n asked giggling a small bit.

"Of course! But, we're closer then ever, aren't we?" Mark asked closing up on Y/n.

"What's going on here?" Sean asked.

"Y/n and I are a couple now." Mark said.

"You're what!?" Sean asked pretty mad.

"Yeah. We're together." Y/n said.

"Since when?" Sean asked.

"Since after you two finished recording." Y/n said.

"But, but, I and me....and...after that...together...and..." Sean stuttered.

"I'm sorry Sean." Y/n whispered.

"That's not fair!" Sean yelled.

After he had teary eyes and slammed his hands off the table. Then, he just stormed off, leaving Y/n and Mark sitting at the booth together...shocked.

Sean's Story With Me {Jacksepticeye} #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now