Chapter 13

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Maybe small things can change...

Y/n was walking the streets of Dublin. The shops all packed and full for the seasons. Y/n just walked along casual with some music in her ears.

She was listening to oldies music. Oldies, I mean Elvis Presley, Rod Stewart, Michael Jackson, etc. some more that she listened to was Andy Grammer, Michael Bûbble, TØP, P!ATD, etc.

Y/n was just walking forward, keeping her head down low. Her eyes were puffy, her face was red, and she didn't want to show herself. She was in a bad mood since what happened with her and Deric.

Apparently, the story is that Deric never did love her from the start. All he did was date her so she could be happier during the school years. He was dating another girl behind Y/n's back. He wasn't sorry that they were apart either.

When Y/n came home, she told her mom what happened. Her mom was telling her that she was right all along and that Y/n should've listened to her. Y/n felt sorry and stayed in her bedroom.

Now, she was depressed and lonely. For the past week, she has been calling for Sean's name. All she wanted was Sean. All she cried for was Sean. All she needed was Sean to be with her.

Y/n, as said, was now walking down the streets. Her hair up in a messy bun. Her head hanging low, earbuds in her ears, the sounds of music all is herd from her.

When she was walking, she bumped into someone. She focused back and held her head with her hands where they knocked heads.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" Y/n said.

"No, no. It's fine! It was my fault! I didn't see where I was going!" The person, more sounding like man, said.

"No, I wasn't looking. I obviously had my head down!" Y/n said,

When she looked up, her and the man locked yes. Admittedly they recognize each other. Y/n's eyes widened and so did the man's. She smiled wide and hugged the man tightly.

"Sean!!!" Y/n squealed into his shoulder.

Her arms were wrapped around his neck and her legs were wrapped around his waist. Sean hugged back resting his head on her shoulder.

"Oh my god Y/n. I though I'd never see you again!" Sean said.

"I though I wouldn't either! Oh my gosh! It's actually you!" Y/n said jumping off Sean and touching his face.

Sean brought her hands down as he cupped her face with his hands. They locked eyes again as happy tears were both slipping out of their eyes. Sean wiped her tears away as she did the same to him.

"I missed you so much." Sean said.

"I did also. But," Y/n chuckled, "we are in the middle of the sidewalk. I don't think we should talk about our lives just standing here." Y/n said.

"You're right. We will go to my apartment. I promise, nothing back will happen." Sean said.

Y/n agreed. They dropped their hands away from each other's as they started walking to Sean's apartment. Along the way, Y/n would catch Sean staring at her. Once and a while, Y/n would stare at Sean.

Suddenly, Sean grabbed Y/n's hand. He intertwined his fingers in with hers. Y/n got scared and snatched her hand away. Last time she held a hand was with Deric.

"Sorry." Y/n whispered.

"No, it's fine. I didn't mean to." Sean said obviously sounding hurt.


"Welcome to the humble of my home!" Sean said.

Y/n walked into his apartment and looked around. It was very empty but clean. She liked it as it was very simple for a one man apartment.

"I like it. Simple. But, it's kind of big for you to be living in here alone." Y/n said.

Sean chuckled a small bit. "Yeah, I know. But, it's roomy. Good for my recording also."

Y/n raised a brow. She looked at Sean confusingly as he looked back at her. He snapped his fingers and dragged her upstairs.

"Where are you taking me?" Y/n asked.

"To my recording room!" Sean said happily and energetically.

As they reached the top of the stairs they went straight to the recording room. Sean unlocked the door and walked in. Y/n followed.

"Why do you have all this stuff?" Y/n asked pointing out to the recording set.

"Because I'm a YouTuber. I do YouTube for a living and it's AMAZING!" Sean screeched.

Y/n rolled her eyes and walked towards the computer. She touched the camera, let her hand drag across the keyboard, and she also touched the monitor of the computer.

"Well?" Sean asked.

"It's cool. It's weird but cool. It really does suit you, I think." Y/n say smiling at him.

He smiles back. He ran towards Y/n and picked her up, twirling her around. He looked deep into eyes as he keeps ahold of her but her feet were on the ground.

"Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" Sean asked.

Y/n's smile turned into frown. She looked away from Sean and let go of his embrace.

"I can't." Y/n said.

"W-why not?" Sean asked sounding disappointed.

"I just got out of a bad relationship. H-he cheated on me for four years while we were dating. I still haven't had my first kiss. I still have a v-card. I'm all clean still. But I'm not ready for a relationship yet." Y/n said.

Sean just nodded. He looked away from Y/n and started walking out the door. Y/n noticed and ran after him.

"Sean! Sean!" Y/n cried out following him.

Sean stopped in his tracks as Y/n ran right smack into him. She shook her head then stared at Sean for a small bit. After a few seconds, she wrapped her arms around him, giving him a tight hug.

"Sean, I love you. I will be your girlfriend." Y/n said.

Sean hugged back full of relief. His arms were tight around her body as he held onto her tightly.

"I love you too, Y/n. I promise, I won't leave."

Sean's Story With Me {Jacksepticeye} #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now