Chapter One: Wake up call by an Elephant

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"Dammit Alex! Your late for school!" My step mom yelled up the stairs. I peeled my head off my pillow and glanced at my alarm clock.

"Shit-!" I leaped out of bed full of panic. "One second!" I called down the stairs before I quickly pulled at my birds nest I called hair with a brush.

"Well make it quick!" She growled. I could hear her stomping around downstairs like an elephant. I made a mental note to bring a bag of nuts home for her as a snack.

My name is Alexandria Creed, I'm 17 years old. My mom died in a fire when I was 10 so now it's just me, my dad, and the bitchy elephant (aka my step mom). Pulling off my pajamas, I somehow tamed the nest. My dark hair didn't even reach my shoulders. What can I say? I like short hair. I slipped a shirt over my head and pulled a pair of black skinny jeans on. I had to admit, I honestly looked like a guy.

"Hurry your ass up! I have to meet Kendra in an hour!" The elephant stomped. I sighed and slipped on my shoes and ran down the stairs. So much for brushing my teeth, I thought. My step mom glared at me as I landed in front of her.

"Did I tell you, you sound like a dying cat on steroids Michelle?" I smirked.

"Whatever. I'm not going to be your excuse for why your late smartass." Michelle, my step mom, swung open the front door. I laughed quietly as I walked out of the house and ran down the street towards the enormous high school.

Okay, maybe it wasn't the best idea to not wear a jacket, I shivered as a strong cold breeze swept over me. As I slowly approached the school, I could see students trying to dodge crowds of kids. I lowered my head until my dark hair swept over my face. I passed a group of popular students who snickered.

"Still here Creed?" One laughed. I ignored them and headed towards the school doors. Inside the school was huge. Tan colored lockers lined the crowded halls and light grey tiles decorated the floor. I rolled my eyes as a bigger guy began to stuff a much smaller kid in a round green trash can.

"I hate high school." I sighed, stopping at my locker. I slammed my head against my locker as I tried to remember my combination. Fuck... Shit...
I thought as I entered the wrong combination multiple times.

"Do you need help?" I jumped in surprise as a hand rested on my shoulder. I spun around, ready to punch someone's face. "Whoa, Jesus!" A boy with honey brown hair exclaimed, his brown eyes looked at me surprised.

"For Christ sake, don't do that!" I growled, lowering my arms. The boy gave me a weak smile as I glared at him.

"Sorry." He laughed. I turned back to my locker and managed to put my combination in right. A tiny celebration went off in my head.

"No, but thanks for the offer." I yanked open my locker and grabbed my books, I then slammed my the metal door close and began to walk quickly down the hall. Suddenly, something slammed into me, causing my books to fall to the ground. "Dammit..." I mumbled quietly as I bent down to grab my fallen items, cursing the universe. When I got to my feet, everyone's eyes were on me. Or at least I thought they were on me. What the Hell is everyone staring at? As I turned to see what the Hell was going on, a wave of exhaustion hit me like a brick wall, causing me to lose my balance for a moment. The hall was silent for a while, until the bell rang. Then, just as quickly as the hallway went quiet, the hall became active again.

"What the..." I looked around, completely dumbfounded. Who slammed into me? I figured it wasn't that big of a deal and headed towards class. "Nothing like doing algebra first thing in the damm morning," I said quietly, taking my seat. Surprisingly, the class was quiet for a Monday. Not even the gossip group was speaking, which trust me, is a BIG shocker. I sat uncomfortably in my seat as the teacher glanced up from his computer, completely dazed. What is going on? Then, the room exploded back to life. The gossip group began to whisper among themselves and the geeky group began to discuss their plan in the annual spelling bee. I looked around confused and worried. What just happened? I scratched the back of my head and shrugged. Fucked up school.


I glanced around at the other students in my class. They were laughing and whispering to silent jokes. The students here didn't obviously know inside voices was.

"W-Wait! We're here!" Everyone's eyes went to the door. My jaw dropped in amazement when I saw two identical boys gasping for air in the doorway. They both had light brown hair and green eyes. The only thing that was different on them was their clothes. One wore white jeans and a light blue T-shirt, the other wore navy blue jeans and a black T-shirt. They looked AMAZING.

"And who are you?" The teacher asked, raising a suspicious eyebrow. The twins smiled and stepped into class.

"I'm Maxwell." The boy with navy blue jeans said with a sly smile.

"I'm Evan." The other said, almost immediately after Maxwell. I could hear the girls in the class all giggle and shift in their seats. I rolled my eyes and focused back on my book. More important things than gawking at some late idiots.

"Your last names?"

"Thorn." Maxwell and Evan said at the same time. I felt a wave of almost painful electricity go through me as I felt two pairs of eyes on me. As I lifted my head towards the twins, they stared at me in shock.

"Uh... Hi?" I glared at them. They smirked and sat down to my left and my right. "Uh, heard of personal space?" I said, glancing at the twins.

"Yes, why?" Evan asked as he set his stuff down.

"Because your invading mine." I growled as Maxwell stretched his limbs. He looked over at me and smiled brightly.

"Do you not want us around?" He asked. I looked over to a group of girls who were giving me death glares. I mentally smiled wickedly.

"You know what? Never mind, you guys are just fine." I looked back at the twins who both raised a light brown eyebrow.

"Good, cause I wasn't planning on moving anyways." Maxwell laughed, opening his book.

"Same here, Max." Evan chuckled. Why do I have a feeling my plan is back firing?

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