Chapter Forty: I'm What?

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I stared at the ceiling, counting every second that Jordan was gone. 124... 125...126...127... Slowly, I start to loose count and just stare at the dark colored ceiling. Jordan had gone with Severn and Price to go look at tuxedos and other manly groom shit. Leaving me at the building, with no girl friends to take me out and look at wedding dresses. Granted, I was just too unnaturally tired and hungry at the moment, but that's not the point.

"Ugh, fuck it." I sighed and sat upright in bed. Nausea quickly took over me and I suddenly felt sick. Vomit dared to work it's way up my throat, causing me to get to my feet and rush into the bathroom. I slid on the floor near thr toilet and groaned. After getting the lid up, I started to puke my guts out. What is happening? Am I sick? Suddenly, I heard the bedroom door open and close quietly.

"Alex? You in here?" Jordan voice asked. I tried to speak, but immediately I felt sick again. I stayed facing the toilet as I tossed my cookies. I could just barely hear Jordan walking towards the bathroom, slightly making me panic. If he sees me like this, he fucking freak, I thought but it was too late. Jordan peered into the bathroom, his eyed slowly landing my my half limp body thay leaned against the toliet as if it was the only thing that could save me.

"H-Hey." I gave him a weak smile before puking more into the toilet. Instantly, Jordan was on his knees and gently rubbing my back.

"Are you okay?" He asked, quickly pressing the back of his hand to my forehead. I shook my head as my stomach began to settle down. Ugh, well there goes all my food from yesterday.

"I feel like shit." I groan, slowly rising to my feet as Jordan stood up too. I leaned against his body for support as he flushed the toilet and turned me around to the sink. As I began to brush my teeth, Jordan went to work on cleaning up the bed and calling for a maid. When I was done and the taste of puke had left my mouth, I swayed over to our large bed only to be caught by Jordan. 

"I have soup on it's way here. Are you going to be okay in here alone?" He asked as my vision slowly stops spinning. I was kinda disappointed that he was leaving me again, but I tried my best to understand that he was currently busy.

"I should be okay... As long as I don't see a damn spider." I said sarcastically. Jordan smiled down at me then helped me into bed. He pulled the soft covers over me and gently kissed my forehead.

"Try to get better soon." Jordan whispered before stepping out of our room. I sighed and closed my eyes, menatlly praying that I wasn't coming down with something. I laid still just as the door reopened. I opened my heavy eyes to see a young lady stepping inside. She had a tray in her hand, with a bowl steaming soup and a spoon. Her gaze met mine and I automatically recognized her. 

"Maddi?" I asked, and she smiled. Instead of responding, she just walked up to the bed and sat down. I sat upright, even though I wasn't exactly feeling so great. "Maddi? You still live here?" 

"Yes, why wouldn't I?" She laughed quietly as she started to try and feed me. Maddi held the spoon to my lips, but I was too shocked to eat. I gently pushed the spoon away and looked her up and down. She looked fine... She was dressed in a black knee length dress and her hair was straight and ran down her back like a dark river. 

"I haven't seen you in a while... I thought that you left." I confessed. What can I say? I'm a caring person? Maddi only smiled and tried to feed me again.  I took the spoon from her hands and fed myself. I'm not a child anymore, Jesus. After that, we just sat there catching up on how things were. I told her me and Jordan were getting married and her eyes lit up like Christmas lights.

"Really?! Oh my God! May I help arrange things for you and his majesty?" I bit back laughter at what she called Jordan. His majesty... I nodded as I finished off my soup. Maddi squealed with delight and got to her feet. She gathered the bowl, spoon, and tray then bowed. "It was nice to see you again my majesty-."

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