Chapter Thirty-Six: I Acciedntly Killed a Woman

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So this is awkward... I thought as I took a seat next to Gabriel. He sat silently, his back unbelievably straight. I was just getting comfortable when Jordan squeezed in between me and his dad. I rolled my eyes at how over protective he was being and scooted silently over for him. Dante sat on the other side of me, pulling his hair out of it's ties. A silver white river spilled down his pitch black shirt, and I was suddenly very tempted to play with his hair. I wonder what Jordan would look like with long hair... My thoughts were interrupted by a venomous scowl.

"One Hell of a cousin." Dante whispered in my ear sarcastically. I shivered and scooted closer to Jordan. Dante was too close for comfort. Jordan notice my actions and sent Dante a deadly glare. He only shrugged playfully and faced the large judge in the front of the room.

"Well, now that we're all finally here..." The judge mumbled under his breath. I bit back a sarcastic comment and looked down at my hands. They were shaking violently. Yep, I was definitely terrified. I felt my heart begin to race as one of Jordan's hand knotted with one of my trembling hands.

"Calm down, we're all here." He said quietly, gesturing to the twins, Price, Severn, Andrew, and even Dante. "We've got your back." I nodded and took another deep breath, trying to calm my racing nerves. This isn't that big of a deal, I told myself. Pfft, I'm just here to witness my uncle getting what he deseveres. Even though Michael is sending me deathly glares, I can make it through this. Or can I? At that moment, my stomach growled and the courtroom went utterly silent. Shit. I held my stomach as I blushed with embarrassment. Why the Hell didn't I eat something before we left?! Evan and Maxwell snickered quietly as the judge raised one of his white eyebrows. I suddenly got angry and glared at the old judge.

"Well don't just fucking sit there. Continue." I snapped. The room gasped in unison. I just rolled my eyes and leaned against Jordan and he bit back laughter. I thought I even seen Michael laugh. Maybe he doesn't hate me entirely? The chances are slim, but ehh. Better then nothing, right? The old man sighed loudly and continued on with his lecture. I glanced at my uncle and shivered. His eyes were on me, full of hate and death. A smile tugged at his lips as I held back the urge to tear the bastard to shreds. My stomach growled quietly again, and I peered up at Jordan who was giving me a concerning look. Apparently, everyone in our little group was looking at me with worried eyes.

"Do you need something to eat?" Dante asked, raising a silver eyebrow at me. I felt Jordan's hand tighter around mine. Instead of answering, I looked down at the ground. Dante chuckled silently and dug into his pocket. What the Hell? He handed me a small yellow candy. I looked at him confused, trying not to get the court's attention.

"What the Hell is this?" I asked. I suddenly realized what exactly it was and smiled. "A jaw breaker?" I whispered in an amused tone. Dante gave me a puzzled expression and shrugged.

"So that's what they're called... Hmm... Maybe I am getting a bit old." I couldn't tell if he was joking or not, so I just plopped the jaw breaker in my mouth. At first, it was a satisfying taste, then it turned bitter. I quickly spit it out in disgust. "What's wrong?" Dante asked. My stomach growled again and that was it. I needed blood, and I need it now. Without any warning, I got up from my seat and made a bee line to the court doors. The court house was no longer empty and silent. It was buzzing with conversations and people. Vampires and humans. The smell of human blood filled my nose and my fangs shot out of my gums. FUCK. My head whipped around till my eyes landed on the bathroom.

Now, common sense was not on my side folks. As I ran into the bathroom, a woman maybe in her 30's walked in after me. She was short and not exactly the thinnest twig. I felt my mouth starting to water as she stalked over to the line of sinks agasinst the wall. I pressed myself against one of the stall doors and gasped for air. DAMMIT FANGS! GO BACK TO WHERE YOU BELONG! I mentally shouted. That was when I snapped back to reality and I was narrowing in on the poor lady's throat. GODDAMMIT. I told myself to pull away but it was too late. The scary thing was that I couldn't control myself. It felt like soemthing else had taken control of me and my body was just their puppet.

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