Chapter Thirty-Four: I Might Have to Kill a B****

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As we walked into the throne room, Tony's body flew passed us and hit the wall. Well shit, wasn't expecting that. I sighed and stared at Price who was giving Tony a death glare.

"Why the fuck are you here?" He hissed. Tony slowly got up from the ground, holding his side in pain.

"I-I need to talk to Alexandria..." He groaned.

"Well, I'm right here, so?" I blurted out, catching Price and Tony's attention. Jordan chuckled quietly behind me as Andrew walked into the throne room with Evan tossed over his shoulder.

"Let me go you bastard!" Evan exclaimed as hit pounded on Andrew's back viciously. I bit my lip to hold back laughter. Suddenly, lighting slice through the room and struck Tony in the chest. Tony fell to his knees in pain as his sister Valentine walked into the room with Maxwell by her side. Just as I thought that Price was done, he stomped over to Tony, grabbed him by his hair and forced Tony to look up at him.

"You have no business speaking with her," He said venomously.  "Go back to wherever hole you crawled out of and rot in Hell." With that, Price let poor Tony's hair go and stormed out of the room. We all stood there for a moment, completely shocked and confused.

"So um... He's pissed." Andrew deadpanned. I rolled my eyes as Valentine rushed over to her brother.

"Antonio, are you okay?" Holy shit! She wasn't dressed like a tramp! I almost had a heart attack at the sight. She wore light grey, faded skinny jeans and a loose sweater. Wow, no high heels? Just flats? In all honesty,  I fucking hated the woman. What can I say? I'm a hormonal vampire? If you think your going to eye rape something that is clearly mine, I'm going to let you feel my wrath. As if reading my mind, Valentine's eyes went to Jordan. A seductive smile plastered itself on her face as she looked him up and down. I tapped my foot angrily as I glared at her.

"Eyes up here." I snapped. Valentine gave me an innocent smile as she helped her brother to his feet. Tony coughed and wiped blood from his nose as Valentine's eyes went back to Jordan. She winked and blew a kiss at him, and that's when I was ready to rip her head off. Apparently, Severn must of know what I was thinking because his arm shot out in front of me, preventing me from tearing her to shreds. "What do you want." I tried to ask in a calm voice. Tony looked at me and smiled.

"I was wondering whether or not you wanted to do business." He replied smugly, despite the fact that he was beaten pretty badly. I felt heat radiating off of Jordan who stood next to me. Sometimes I actually forget that he can make fire appear in his hands.

"Why? You're in the mafia." I said casually. Valentine rolled her eyes and I was half tempted to stab icicles into them.

"The mafia could offer protection to you." Valentine answered for her brother. My eyes went to her, then back at Tony. Protection? Not a bad deal... That is, if I steal drugs from a drug overlord!

"I do not need protection." Wow, never thought I'd say that. Tony gave me a confused look.

"We don't only have protection to offer. We can help build your empire, or even help conduct treaties with other royalty families." He explained. Actually... I do need that. I looked over at Jordan who seemed to be debating about it himself.

If I could make treaties with other families, that means maybe I'm not a useless queen after all!

"Not to mention that you are a pureblood and you have a whole lot of power as it is, we can be a great use to you." Tony explained. I also forgot about that. What's so different about being a pureblood? I'll have to ask Price later on. Jordan's eyes met mine and he nodded. I looked back at Tony who seemed to be focused directly on me.

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