Chapter Twenty-Six: The Search Begins

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Price's POV

I pressed the gas petal to the floorboard. Dammit! We need to find Maxwell and Alex before something worst happens. Without Maxwell, Evans's power blows up. He might seem like an innocent little angel when you first meet him, but get on his bad side and your as good as dead.

"Can you go any faster?" Jordan growled from the back seat. I ran a red light and grinded my fangs.

"The petal is on the floor Jordan,  I can't go any faster." Andrew had his head out the window, randomly shouting directions as we sped down the road. We must of been at least a hour or 2 hours behind them.

About an hour later, we were speeding down the highway.

"TURN LEFT!" Andrew shouted. I quickly turned the steering wheel to the left. The tires squealed and I heard Evan and Jordan collide in the back seat. "GO STRAIGHT!"
"Ugh, please stop turning the wheel so fast!" Evan groaned as Jordan pushed himself off of him.

"Sorry..." I smiled at him apologetically through the rearview mirror. I could hear sirens behind us which just irritated the Hell out of me. "Dammit." I growled as I held the steering wheel tightly.

"Uh, Price? There's cops behind us." Evan chirped. I rolled my eyed and then snapped my fingers. Instantly, a bolt of lighting cracked through the sky and landed directly in the cops path. The front of the police car erupted into flames and 2 officers crawled out of the burning car.

"Price!" Jordan hissed. "They were human!"

"Humans that were pissing me off!" I snapped. I wasn't going to have humans stop me from saving my family. Wait, what? Family? That's definitely new. Alexandria is rubbing off on me... Of course I have to think about her right now. She's gone. Along with Maxwell. Are they okay? Are they safe? My thoughts were soon interrupted by yelling.

"PRICE! CAR!" I yanked the steering wheel to the right, just in time to spare a red SUV from a tragic accident.

"S-Sorry." I said quickly. Great, I'm loosing focus, I thought. I had no idea where were going, but so far it looked like we were just making random turns.

"GET OFF EXIT 5." Andrew shouted. I looked at the signs around me. Exit 5? Jesus, I don't understand humans modern day shit. I might look like I'm in my teen years, but I sure as Hell have more experience in life then the rest of the guys. I soon realized what Andrew was talking about and swerved into the exit lane.

"Any ideas on where were going?" Jordan asked as I began to pick up more speed.

"Nope. But wherever they went, its definitely off the grid." Evan replied before I could speak.

"Thanks for stating the obvious." I could almost hear Jordan's eye roll. Suddenly Andrew slipped back inside the Jeep with a blank face.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked quickly, worried he lost Alexandria's scent. Andrews's eyes flickered gold as he stared out the front window.

"Stop the Jeep." He said flatly. I looked at him confused, along with Jordan and Evan.


"I SAID, STOP THE JEEP." Andrew said again, more harshly this time. I pulled the Jeep off to the side of the road and Andrew jumped out of the car. Jordan and Evan quickly followed him as I unbuckled my seatbelt. I pushed my door open and jogged after them.

"What? What's wrong?" Andrew didn't speak as he leaped over the cement barriers and landed on a large empty plain. "Andrew!" I shouted, my voice echoing through the emptiness.

"They're in the woods." Andrew suddenly said. He stopped dead in his tracks as we stood in the middle of no where. How long have we been following him? How far were we from the road? That's when I noticed that the woods weren't far from us.

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