Chapter Twelve: Welcome to England

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"Ughhhhhhh, I don't like planes." Andrew groaned as we entered the terminal.

"Stop being a baby." Jordan growled. I laughed quietly just as Maxwell and Evan walked in pace with me.

"So Alex, are sitting next to me?" Maxwell asked, a sly smirk on his face.

"No, she's sitting next to me." Evan glared at his twin. That's when an all out war started. Why me?

"Pfft, yeah right! She likes me more then you!" Maxwell snapped.

"How is that? We're basically replicas of each other!" Evan countered, grabbing my hand. Price looked back at us and shook his head laughing.

"I don't see you helping!" I exclaimed. People turned their heads and looked at us as Maxwell grabbed my free hand.

"She sits next to me! I said something first!" Maxwell said proudly.

"And? Who says she wants to sit next to you-?" Evan was interrupted by Jordan.

"For fucks sake." He shoved the twins aside, making their hands fall from mine. "She's sitting next to me." He huffed. We were walking closer to the boarding station now when Price and Andrew jumped in.

"No! I say she sits next to me!" Price whined.

"I'm the one that hates planes! She sits next to me!" Andrew and Price stopped walking and glared at each other.

"UGH, STOP IT! YOUR MAKING ME NERVOUS!" I said, almost yelling. My face burned with embarrassment as eyes fell on me. "I-I'm sitting next to Jordan." I mumbled, realizing that I was supposed to stay at his side. He asked me to when I experienced my first bloodlust... well he said when we get to England but he was the only one not currently arguing over me.

"Fine..." Everyone sighed. As we approached a flight attendant, Price handed her our tickets. She had light brown hair that was tightly pulled into a bun.

"Thank you, please have a safe flight." The woman smiled, then blushed when she realized she was talking to good looking guys.

"Thank you, are we allowed to have drinks on the plane?" Price smiled, making the flight defendant's blush deepen. Ugh... Does he have to flirt with every girl he meets?

"Y-yes. But you have to be at least 21." The attendant stumbled out.

"Mhm, good thing I've brought my ID." Price winked at the girl, and for a moment I thought the poor girl was going to faint.

"Shouldn't you always carry your ID?" Andrew said, making Price flinch. The flight attendant snapped back into reality and began to giggle.

"He does have a good point." She laughed. Price turned to Andrew and glared at him. I smiled and shook my head.

"Come on guys, let's just get going." I chuckled, slowly making my way onto the plane. Jesus, the thought of going to England just so a bunch of old people could judge me didn't sound so good. Now that I'm a vampire, I HAVE to meet them, that's what Price had told me. I was still getting used to the fact I was a pureplood vampire. I didn't know what that meant but I guess I'd be figuring that out when I got to England.

As we boarded the plane, I realized the majority of the passengers were old people. Making me more nervous then ever.

"Calm down, your making everyone else nervous." Someone whispered in my ear. I jumped and whipped around to see Jordan.

"Don't fucking do that!" I whispered yelled. Jordan shook his head and gently pushed me towards an empty pair of seats. Luckily for us, a whole row waste empty. Maxwell and Evan sat together, Price and Andrew sat down and glared at each other. I sat awkwardly next to the window, which was probably the worst choice I've ever made since this was my first time on an airplane.

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