Chapter Thirty: I'm Back

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It's been a few weeks since I've gotten back, and all I've had is human blood. Jordan has been too sick for me too feed from him and it's... Different. I mean, it's something I'm going to have to get used to.

I set my foam cup filled will thick, red liquid on the dresser and crossed my arms as I glared at Jordan.

"Alex... I'm not sick." Jordan sighed. He laid in my bed, wearing jogging pants and a hoodie.

"Pfft, sure you aren't." I joked.

"I. Am. Not. Si-." Jordan suddenly sneezed, cutting off what he was about to say. He groaned and tossed the covers over his wet head.

"Don't do that! You'll soak the blankets!" I cried, springing into action and yanking the covers off his head. Jordan made puppy eyes as he looked up at me.

"Your mean." He pouted.

"And your an overgrown child." I laughed. Jordan moaned again and pulled his hood over his dripping hair. "Have you heard of drying your hair?" I asked sarcastically.

"Ugh... Alex your lucky I'm not feeling so hot." Jordan chuckled. I leaned towards him with a sly smirk.

"And if you were?" Jordan's eyes lit up like tiny flames as he smiled at me.

"Are you sure you wanna know? It's pretty dirty." Instantly my face began to burn a bright shade of red.

"J-Jordan!" I slapped his chest as he laughed. I'm pretty sure I hurt myself more then I hurt him because my hand started to ache within seconds.

"I was joking, Jesus!" Jordan exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and laid my head down on his chest.

"Hey Jordan?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah Alex?"

"You need to get some rest." I lifted myself from him and from the bed quickly before he could protest.

"But I'm not sick!" Jordan coughed.

"Yes you are! Now go to sleep or I won't talk to you for a week!"I challenged. Jordan looked at me as if I was joking, so I shrugged my shoulders, grabbed my cup and headed for the door.

"Okay! Okay! You win! I'm sick!" Jordan said in defeat. I smiled and turned back to him.

"Good, now get some rest." He protested quietly as I flicked the lights off and opened the door. "See you in a little." I whispered, more to myself then Jordan. As I quietly closed the door behind me, I sighed in relief. I raised my cup to my lips and gulped the rest down. It's not the same as feeding from the source. It was actually kinda depressing because I REALLY wanted fresh blood, but Price insisted I get bagged blood.

I walked down the hall towards the throne room, bored out of my mind. My powers were slowly coming back to me. I made it snow in the twins room so they could have a snowball fight. It ended when one of the windows broke and the twins throwing the snow at EVERYONE.

I glanced down at what I was wearing as I sat down on my throne. Black leggings and one of Jordan's T-Shirts. Don't judge, they were comfy. Maybe I should think about my fashion problems with Price. Andrew told me he has good taste in clothes.

"Your Majesty." I looked up to see the human girl I first fed from.

"Uh... H-hi." Immediately my lips became dry and I felt empty inside. The girl cocked her head at me, as if trying to read my expression. I licked my lips nervously and decided to try and to make conversation. "So um... What's your name?" The girl straightened her posture.

"Maddi." The girl said. Her hair was pulled into a high ponytail and she wore a black skirt and a pale pink tank-top.

"H-how old are you?" I question, ignoring my aching gums. Maddi laughed quietly and slowly approached me.

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