Chapter Eighteen: The Throne

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(Picture is supposed to be Evan and Maxwell :) ~The Dobre Twins~)

We packed up the next morning. I didn't really have any personal belongings, but I had my bag of clothes. Evan ad Maxwell both had sketchbooks, probably full of amazing pictures. I suddenly realized that Jordan slipped on a necklace around his head. It had old lace, but a small pendant that weighed it down. A ruby. It was blood red and sparkled against the living room lamp. I compared the jewel to his eyes and shivered at the scary resemblance.

Jordan's eyes were more a rusty copper color while the ruby around his neck glowed blood red. We walked outside and I felt a sudden pain in my heart. I was going to miss this place.

"Whelp guys.... Say goodbye." Price sighed, a bookbag draped on his shoulders. Evan clenched his fist and looked away. Maxwell noticed his twin and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. Jordan exhaled slowly and turned away. As Price slowly turned around, he sighed loudly. "Lets find the nearest hotel and then we'll discus how Alex is going to get a throne." Price walked ahead of us. Andrew followed him, along with the twins. Jordan stood still, looking hesitant. He looked back at the house and I saw his expression fill with pain. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

"Hey, it's going to be okay." I said calmly. He looked down at me and I felt my heart shatter. He really was going to miss this place.

"Yeah, I know. Lets just get you somewhere safe and new." Jordan's hand slipped from mine and he began to walk off. I frowned and jogged to keep up with them. As we rounded a corner, I felt a wave of anxiety hit me like a brick. At first, it was the burned black grass. Then it was the destroyed frame of my old house. I stopped dead in my tracks as my eyes began to burn.

"Alex?" I heard Andrew's voice ask. I ignored it and looked at my home. Burned to the ground and now a sad memory. I felt my breathing begin to start to become uncontrollable. Suddenly I felt arms wrap around me.

"Hey, calm down." It was Maxwell. "Thinking about that right now isn't going to help us." I bit back tears and forced myself to look away. Maxwell embraced me with a hug and pulled me down the street, away from the tragic memory. I caught Jordan looking at us. He frowned and looked away, shoving his hands into his pockets. We continued to walk down the street as Evan walked with Maxwell and me. I dropped my gaze and let the twins guide me down the street.

I flopped down on one of the hotel beds and sighed. The boys gathered around our mini kitchen table and discussed important matters.

"When Alexandria gets her throne, she's going to have to make allies." Price began to explain. "It would be best if she makes allies to make her kingdom stronger." Okay, wait. I was never told I was going to be ruling a KINGDOM.

"So that means we have to help her decide which vampires are the best allies." Andrew stretched his limbs and yawned.

"Or we can just let Alex decide for herself. We have to trust her decision in friends." Jordan glared at them. Jordan then looked at me and gave me a half smile. I rolled my eyes and laid down on the bed.

"Yeah... Lets just hope she doesn't befriend the vampire mafia." Price joked. "I think the downtown throne would be perfect for Alex. Not too fancy, not to poor." Price shrugged and leaned back in his chair. Was that a compliment... or?

"Yeah. There's also a lot of company's she can trade with." Maxwell said quietly, him and his brother sketching viciously into the books.

"What are you drawing?" Andrew questioned, trying to peek over their books. They quickly scooted away and scribbled at their pictures.

"You know how they are when they draw. Give them some time." Jordan yawned and scratched the back of his head. "For fucks sake I'm tired."

"Done!" The twins said in unison. I actually sat up for this. As the twins puts their sketchbooks side by side, I stared in horror. It was a girl dressed is a long flowing gown with a crooked crown on her head. She was caked in blood and she sat on a large throne. That was wasn't the scary thing. The girl was me a look alike of me.

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