Chapter Seven: Bleh Bleh Bleh!

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I looked at Price and Andrew in disbelief. I turned to the twins who stared at their feet.

"Pfft, you've got to be kidding me! That's the worst excuse I've ever heard!" I laughed. Andrew looked to me then at Price.

"You don't believe me?" Price asked. I grabbed my stomach in pain as I laughed harder.

"N-no! Who would?!" I took a deep breath and tried to stop myself from dying of hysterical laughter. I failed and let a quiet giggle escape my lips before quickly shutting up.

"Well, how am I suppose to prove it to you?" Price asked, throwing his arms up. I shrugged in response and sighed.

"Well, if you've got fangs, I might believe you." I smirked, crossing my arms. Andrew chuckled quietly and walked out of the room, the twins following him.

"Come here." I heard Price say.

"What?" I gave him my best "what the Hell do you planning on doing" face.

"I said, come here." Price held his hand out to me. I tried to think of all the reasons why he'd need my hand for, but nothing came to mind. As I reached towards his hand, mine shaking frantically, I heard footsteps coming towards us.

"What the Hell are you doing?" It was Jordan. I gave him a puzzled look just as Price carefully grabbed my hand.

"She doesn't believe I'm telling the truth, so I've decided to show her I'm being 100% completely honest." Price replied, opening his mouth. Jordn mumbled something under his breath, something incoherent, but I was too focused on Price's teeth. I swallowed hard as two pointy canines revealed themselves to me. With my pointer finger, Price carefully poked one. Almost instantly my finger began to bleed a dark crimson color.

"I'm guessing you don't have any band aids stashed around here do you?" I joked, looking at my ruby red blood. Even though my heart was racing a mile a minute, I somehow managed to come up with a sarcastic remark. I noticed Jordan quickly looking away from me and then rush up the stairs. "What's with him?" I asked just as Price gently grabbed my hand again and licked up the blood that was slowly seeping from my finger.

"He doesn't like to feed off of humans." Price said quietly as my hand retreated away from his grasp uncomfortably. Then it suddenly clicked in my head. With adrenaline surprisingly running through my veins, I let out a loud yelp.

"Holy shit! Your actually vampires!" I exclaimed, trying to turn towards the door. But Price was fast, REALLY fast. His arms were around me within seconds, holding me back from running away in fear. My heart was pounding with panic as thoughts raced through my head. I'm dead, I'm so fucking dead. Why? Why does trouble always find a way to find me?

"We're not gonna hurt you. That would give you the authority to kill us." Price said, his face near mine. I gave him my best "what the fuck are you talking about" face. He chuckled and let me go. "We have to talk, go ahead and have a seat." He gestured to the couch that was next to me. I was hesitant at first, then I reassured myself with thinking that if he made any suspicious moves, I'd kick him in his soft spot and run for the door. With that thought in mind, I sat down on the far side of the couch, completely opposite of him and closest to the door just in case an escape was needed.

"Okay... I'm listening..." I said, trying not to seen scared shitless. Come on, wouldn't you be a little edgy if you were in a house full of vampires that could turn on you any second?

"Do you want me to start from the beginning or start from the middle-ish part?" Price asked, sitting down on the other side of me.

"I want you to start were I have anything to do with this ." I said, more harshly then I wanted it to. Price looked at me hurt for a second, then smirked.

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