Chapter Thirty-Three: That Time of the Month

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I rolled over onto my side and sighed. Jordan slept quietly next to me, one arm around my waist. Sunlight poured in through the maroon colored drapes. I thought about getting up and finding Maddi, but I decided not. I don't need human blood, I thought. What I need is a big ass bowl of cereal. Jordan grunted softly next to me as his arm tightened around my waist, pulling me closer to his bare chest.

I smiled as I rolled back over to face Jordan. His copper red eyes slowly opened. He blinked a few times sleepily, then yawned.

"Good morning." I said. Jordan smirked and moved till he was above me. When he leaned down and started to kiss my neck, I felt a small blush spread across my face.

"Good morning indeed." Jordan mumbled against my neck. He ran his hand up my spine, making my back arch. Jordan was about to kiss me when I scooted my head away.

"Breakfast first." I laughed. Jordan sighed and pulled away, muttering a protest under his breath. I climbed out of bed and stretched my limbs. I walked over to the window and yanked the curtains all the way open. Instantly I was blinded by the suns ray. I blinked a couple times to clear my vision and was greeted by what looked like a beautiful day. I turned around to see Jordan looking for his shirt and then froze. Slowly, I glanced down at myself and a small smile formed on my lips.

"I see you have my shirt." Jordan laughed, noticing that his shirt was definitely on me. The thing almost reached my knees and was a dark purple color. I nodded and held the hem of the shirt in my hands. How come my shirts weren't this comfortable? My mind was about to start filling with questions when I feet a sudden cramp in my abdomen. SHIT. NO. The smile vanished from my face and I raced over to the dresser. "What's wrong?" Jordan asked, his tone full of concern. Another cramp passed through me.

"Uh... Girly things?" I shrugged. By the look on Jordan face I knew he understood what I meant.

"Do you need anything?" Jordan pulled another shirt over his head and walked over to me. I thought about his question carefully. What do female vampires need on their periods? Chocolate? Blood? Chocolate blood? Ew, no. Scratch that last one off.

"How about a bottle of pain reliever and a cup of water?" I suggested. Jordan nodded and headed towards the door. "Oh and tell the others. I want to warn them before I accidently might rip someone's head off." I joked. Jordan laughed before walking out the door. I then rushed to the bathroom and checked under the sink. Thank God we went to the story. I grabbed my lady business and suddenly realized I slept in my underwear... With Jordan... NO. THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO BE THINKING ABOUT THAT! I changed my underwear and put my lady business on my fresh underwear.

I sighed in relief after I found out I had gotten nothing on other underwear. I felt my mood suddenly change and I started to feel extremely lazy. I pouted my lips and walked out of the bathroom. I half stomped, half walked to the door and opened it. God I was hungry. I knew the others must of been up because I heard the clanking of silverware and plates. I crept down the hall, suddenly feeling like I needed to be quiet. I hope this month won't be bad. I am now a vampire and I have no idea what girl vampires are like on their periods, and I'm more than sure the guys don't know either.

When I finally got to where the boys were, I saw an empty spot at the table they sat at. A glass of water and a small medicine bottle sat next to a clean plate welcomed me. I noticed that the twins were throwing wadded up napkins at each other while Andrew told them repeatedly to stop. Price and Jordan seemed to be engaged in some kind of conversation.

"Hey Alex. You feeling okay?" Andrew asked, realizing I was watching them. I shrugged not wanting to speak. I basically rushed over to the medicine and took two small red pills. I chased the pills with a gulp of water and sighed.

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