Chapter Twenty: The Vampire Mafia

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(Picture is Jordan just without his lip piercings :3 ~Chris Oflyng~)

"Why are we shopping again?" Maxwell asked as we wondered the aisles in Wal-Mart. I was pushing the cart which happened to have Evan sitting in it.

"We're getting stuff for the hotel." Jordan said, walking next to me. Price was scanning over a list and was silently talking to him self. Andrew looked bored and tired as we walked into the frozen food section. His attention was caught when a Hispanic girl walked passed us. She looked around 18, and had dark wavy hair that reached her hips. She wore a tight tan colored dress and a pair of 4 inch heels. I shivered in disgust as Andrew stared at her ass.

"We're over here smart one." Maxwell jabbed Andrew in his ribs playfully as the girl looked at Andrew and waved. His jaw dropped and he waved back. She smirked and stalked off.

"Mhmm, I know. Now I have some important business to attend to, so I'll meet you guys at the Jeep." Andrew followed the girl, she was basically beckoning him to her call.

"We've lost Andrew." Evan laughed. I rolled my eyes as Price put a few pizzas in the cart next to Evan. As we neared an aisle name "Feminine Hygiene", the boys looked at me sickened.

"Hey, it's natural." I glared as Evan quickly climbed out of the cart and basically ran next his brother. "Oh, come on you big babies. Its not like I'm buying fucking tampons." I headed towards the aisle, but the boys laid back. I looked at Jordan who looked completely mortified. "Really? You too?" I sighed.

"Okay Alex, this is where we part for now." Jordan back away from the aisle.

"Wow, it's only once a month!" I laughed as the boy's face twisted with disgust.

"Alex, we don't want to know when your vagina bleeds." Price looked like he was going to be sick. I stuck my tongue out at them and turned back to the aisle. As I began to walk down the aisle, I flipped the boys off. I mentally laughed as the twins made puking sounds.

"That's no man's land!" Evan laughed as I grabbed a little thing of pads. For fucks sake, their such big babies. I accidentally bumped into someone, definitely not female.

"Oh, sorry-." My eyes met with dark grey black eyes. Oh, it DEFINITELY wasn't a girl. Its was a boy. He looked 19 or so, with tan skin and raven black curly hair. He looked a lot like the girl from earlier, only with more muscle.

"No, I'm sorry. I should of watched where I was going." The boy smiled and I almost gasped. Two pointy canines revealed themselves. "Names Antonio." The boy held his hand out to me. He's a vampire... With a trembling hand I gently took his and shook it. "Tony for short." He smirked. Well there was no doubt about it. He was a sexy beast that wore a tight grey T-shirt and black jeans.

"A-Alex." I stuttered out. What am I doing? This guy-. This VAMPIRE, is a complete stranger! Suddenly, someone was at my side. Not just someONE, but all the boys. Even Andrew was there. Tony smiled innocently at them and Price glared at him.

"What the fuck are you doing here Tony?" Price growled. Tony chuckled lightly and crossed his arms in front of his broad chest. I felt tension rise as Price and Tony stared at each other intensely.

"I'm getting some feminine stuff for my sister, why?" How the Hell did these guys know each other? As if on cue, the girl from earlier walked up next to Tony.

"Did you get my tampons?" The girl asked, her voice coming out like silk. Jordan was radiating heat like crazy. I quickly put the pieces together and realized they were siblings.

"Yep, Gomez has the cart. They're in there." Tony smiled at his sister kindly.

"Thank you." The girls eyes fell on Jordan and she smiled seductively at him. I wanted to punch her in her pretty little face. I wonder if I kick her in her crotch hard enough I can prevent her from having kids... As if reading my thoughts, Jordan bumped his hand against mine.

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