Chapter Two: Meeting new People

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That's it... their annoying. I thought as the twins and I walked down the hall towards the lunch room.

"I like Alexandria, it's a nice name." Evan said. I rolled my eyes and sighed. Man, this eye rolling might reach its full potential if these guys keep hanging out with me, I thought.

"Well so is Alex. Is it okay if we call you that?" Maxwell asked, leaning towards me. I walked sideways a few feet and nodded, feeling a bit odd to have this much attention on me.

"Yeah, I guess so." I shrugged as we rounded a corner. I could smell today's lunch, macaroni and cheese with French fries, yuck. I don't care what other people say, school food is the absolute worst.

"Who is this?" A voice asked. I jumped as a hand landed on my shoulder and spun me around. A tall boy with blonde hair and sky blue eyes looked at me closely, causing my face burned as his face neared mine. My instant reaction was to stomp on his foot, the feeling of his gaze on me was too much. He winced in pain as I glared at him, pushing his hand off my shoulder.

"Keep your hands off me!" I hissed. The twins started to laugh as the boy used the wall next to him balance himself, his free hand holding his foot as he began to swear flying colors. He gave me a pained expression, but that didn't stop my glaring.

"That hurt!" He exclaimed.

"Well, it wasn't supposed to tickle!" I turned back to the lunch room, tired of the situation, only to get stopped by the twins. "What is it now?" I asked harshly.

"That's our friend, Price." Evan smiled. Maxwell nodded as we began to walk again, this time Price was limping with us. "He's not that bad." I huffed.

"Well maybe you should teach Price not to touch people he doesn't know." I deadpanned, swaying my bangs from my eyes.

"You look like a dude." Price said flatlt, looking me up and down. Yeah, no shit Sherlock, I thought. That's when it hit me: I was surrounded by good looking guys and here I was looking like a moldy potato. We entered the lunch room together and I quickly took a seat to avoid eye contact with anyone. I do that a lot, accidentally making awkward eye contact with people. And tripping on air... And waving to people I think I know but I really don't.

"Well, hope you don't mind us sitting with you." Maxwell said, taking a seat next to Evan. I shrugged in response, not really caring about the whereabouts of the new arrivals. Price sat across from me and sighed. He wore casual jeans and a grey T-shirt. His hair laid sloppy like on one side of his head, as if he just woken up, but he made waking up look amazing. Thoughts of Price waking up and jumping out of bed flooded my head. I wish my hair looked that amazing when I woke up. The thought made me pouted my lips and think about speaking with a voodoo lady. Suddenly, another boy sat down at the table. He had dark brown hair and honey eyes.
"Price, the food here is terrible." The boy groaned, laying his head down on the table. Price chuckled in response, knotting his hands together as if he was a mature adult. The new boy wore a brown leather jacket, a red T-shirt, and what looked like dark grey jeans.

"Andrew, come on. Its not that bad." Price said as the twins looked at the boy, Andrew, with bored expressions. He raised his head and sighed, looking exhausted. Then his gaze landed on me and his face contorted in confusion.

"Uh... who's this?" Andrew asked, nodding towards me.

"Nice to meet you too asshole-." I began, but Maxwell cut me off.

"This is Alexandria. The one we told you about." He said harshly. I could hear the shuffling of feet from under the table. Andrew's eyes widened as if in realization.

"O-Oh! Alex!" Andrew piped up. What was that about? And when did they talk to him? They've been with me all day... I glanced at Maxwell then at Evan, trying to understand what they were doing. Even Price glared at them, obviously trying to cover something up.

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