Chapter Twenty-Nine: Dead

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Andrew's POV

I've never seen Jordan this angry, and in all honesty... It was fucking terrifying. Now normally I wouldn't be so scarable, but damn.

"SHUT UP!" Jordan yelled before slamming into Xavier like a ball of fire. My eyes went to Price whose locked with mine.

"GET OUT OF HERE!" He told me. But my feet stayed glued to the floor.

"NO!" I shouted back. I moved towards Evan and Maxwell who were holding each other like it was their last day on this world. "Get out of Jordan's way!" I yanked them away from the wall just as Xavier's body collided with it. I saw Antonio running to Price's aid. Well that was a shocker. He was the enemy yet still helping Price? Do I sense bromance? Wait-. No! Stop thinking like that right now! This is a life of death situation!

Suddenly, fire whipped pass my face, nearly burning my eyebrows off.

"Hey! Watch it!" I glared at a large fire blob standing 10 feet from me.

"ANDREW! MOVE!" Price's voice thundered through the room. I pushed the twins towards the door just as Xavier tried to dowse Jordan's flames with ice. Alex had to be alive. She couldn't just die, she was stronger than that. I looked back at Price and Tony who had Severn pinned to the ground. He still looked mortified.

"Stay on the other side of this room, got it?" I told the twins. The nodded quickly and shuffled out the door. Dodging random fire balls and snowballs, I made it over to Price.

"Severn, you see that?" Price pointed to Jordan who was tackling Xavier to the ground. "I will not let Jordan hold back on you if you don't get your shit together right now!" I couldn't help but laugh a little. Price was talking to Severn like a frightened child and it was just priceless. Heh, no pun intended.

"Andrew? What are you still doing here?" Tony looked at me confused. I only glared at him.

"I don't plan on leaving my friend." I growled. Just then, I heard the sound of something breaking. All four of our head whipped around to see Xavier laying on the floor, motionless. Holy shit... Did he actually do it? Was all I thought. The flames in the room started to dim as Jordan stumbled towards the metal box. "That's enough for now. We need to help Jordan." I said quickly, running to Jordan before be could fall to the ground.

"Open it." Jordan said weakly as I caught him. The flames were gone now, so all that was left was a fragile Jordan who looked like he was about to give up on everything. I looked up and surprisingly saw Tony, Price, and Severn standing around me. "I said, open it!" Jordan said again.  Price looked at me pained as I helped Jordan steady himself.

"Okay..." Severn and Price grabbed either side of what looked like a metal door on top of the metal box and yanked it off. I looked down into the darkness confused. Then realized it was a container filled with something. Water.

"What the Hell..."

Jordan's POV

I looked down into the deep abyss, expecting to see my dead girlfriends body but I saw nothing.

"Where is she?" I demanded. My eyes went to Severn. He looked away and sighed.

"She's in there." My heart sank. She's in there... Evan and Maxwell crept back into the room, shoulders bumping against one anothers. My eyes went back onto the dark water. Through the darkness, I could see something glowing a faint red. The pendant.

"Get off me." I pushed Andrew away who looked at me puzzled. As I began to kick off my shoes, Price realized what I was about o do. It was crazy, but I was going to do it.

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