Chapter Five: Jordan is Acting Stranger then Normal

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The next day, I decided to take my sweet ass time getting ready. My dad had yelled at me for skipping school, and then yell at me for being "disrespectful" to Michelle. I honestly didn't care, I just wanted to lock myself in my room listen to loud music.

"School is important Alex! How are you ever going to succeed in life if you don't have a proper education?" My dad glared at me.

"I could always become a drug dealer. That's pretty basic." I shrugged, looking down at my feet.

"No! Do something with your life Alexandria! I know you're better than this!"

Again, I didn't care. I pulled a band tee over my head and slipped on a pair of dark grey leggings. As I pulled on my Converse, there was a knock on my door.

"What?" I called, tying my shoe.

"There's some people here who want to see you." It was Michelle. Great, probably the school, I thought. I sighed and pulled at my short hair with my brush. I quickly brushed my teeth and then slowly made my way down the stairs. The hall was empty.

"Where are they?" I asked, looking around carefully.

"Outside." Michelle replied. I groaned and stepped onto the last step. When I walked to the door, I felt another shock of electricity zap through me, this time I felt a little pain. I pushed it away and swung open the door.

"Okay, lemme have it-." I stopped. There they were. Standing calmly and looking bored. "G-guys..." My voice trailed off. They looked up at me, all of them smiled except Jordan. He stood in the far back, still looking at the ground.

"Hey..." Price smiled. I felt my heart sink. Maxwell and Evan smiled at me brightly while Andrew waved "hello" to me. I waved back, then my eyes went back to Jordan. He looked fine. I walked over to him and he looked down at me. I punched him square in the arm.

"Ow! What the fuck Alex?!" He glared at me and rubbed his arm.

"Don't you EVER make me worry like that again!" I hissed. He smirked at me.

"Why were you worried Alex?" My name came out like silk from his mouth. I shivered as I shook my head.

"Just don't do it again." I said again, making my way down the steps. "And I do expect to get an explanation about what happened." I huffed, walking down the sidewalk towards school.

"Wait up!" I heard Price laugh. I didn't stop, but a smile did creep on my face. It's nice to have the guys back.


At the end of the day, we decided to go to my house to finish our Mythology project. On our way there, Price was bragging about how good of a score on his algebra test when Jordan stopped and leaned against a light pole. I seemed to be the only one who notice, so I stopped too.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked, walking next to him.

"Y-yeah." I could see the pain in his eyes. I crossed my arms in disbelief.

"Pfft, your not fooling me." I said.

"Alex, I'm fine. Now go." Jordan's copper red eyes met mine. I slowly nodded as I walked away quickly, feeling my face burn. I bumped into Price and lost balance.

"W-whoa!" I exclaimed as Price gently grabbed my arm and helped me regain my balance. Dammit, why am I so clumsy?  "Thanks." I mumbled, glancing back at Jordan nervously. He looked paler than normal. I sighed as I looked back at the sidewalk. When we finally reached my house, I realized my dad and Michelle must of been at work. As I stepped inside the front door, I doubled checked to make sure.

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