Chapter Twenty-Five: Help

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Jordan's POV

I looked around for Alex and Maxwell through the crowd. Evan said Alex went to the bathroom, yet she was nowhere in sight. I began to panic as I realized Alex was gone. But how? When? Why? I pushed through the crowded hall, towards Price.

"Price, Alex is gone." I hissed. Price's eyes ran over the party guest and a wave of electricity pulse through the room.

"Everyone, LEAVE." Price's voice thundered through the room, causing everyone to look at him confused. "LEAVE." Price said harshly. Immediately, the room began to empty and I let my temper flare. Literally. I felt flames licking up my legs as I began to pace. Where is she? Evan and Andrew ran towards us, looking angry.

"Where is Maxwell?" Evan said, letting the anger fall from his words.

"We don't fucking know!" Price exclaimed. My flames grew and spread across the floor. Where was Alex? Dammit, why did I leave her side?! I let my hair fall out of place as Andrew, Price and Evan began to argue. "It was Xavier. I know it. Who else would take her?"

"What about my brother?" Evan growled.

"Maybe he took him because he was with her-." Andrew began.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE!?" I shouted. The others looked at me and their eyes went wide when they realized the walls had caught fire. "DAMMIT!" I let the flames engulf me as I paced.

"Jordan, calm down-."

"Don't tell me to calm down Andrew! If you haven't noticed, ALEX ISN'T HERE! AS IN, GONE. DISAPPEARED. VANISHED."  Evan glared at me and the room went dead silent.

"What about my BROTHER? He's gone too!" The vases that were filled with lively roses, began to wilt and die. "ALEX ISN'T THE ONLY ONE GONE. MY OWN BLOOD IS GONE." Black shards shot up from the ground and sprouted like a dead weed.

"Shut the Hell up! We need to think!" Price glared at us as lighting flashed outside. "Jordan,  Evan, calm the fuck down. Stop burning and killing things NOW." I didn't want to listen to him, I was too pissed. But I needed to get Alex back. The flames simmered but the feeling of death stayed in the room.

"I knew this would happen. I fucking knew it." Evan began to pace too as he pulled at his hair. The death slowly drained from the room and the roses stopped dying.

"Okay, now lets think. Where would Xavier take Alex?" Andrew asked us.

"Who knows-. Wait." Evan stopped pacing and stared at Andrew. "Can't you sniff them out?" I forgot about that. Andrew had amazing sense of smell, it was kinda like his own personal vampires super power.

"She smells like Jordan!" Andrew threw his arms up.

"But Alex is a girl. Couldn't you pick that up?" Price's voice was full of hope. Andrew shrugged and sighed.

"Andrew, please." I finally said. It felt like my heart was being ripped from my chest. He looked at me sadly, trying to understand what I was going through. Alex was basically the center of my universe. She might not know it, but I care a LOT about her. Now, she may never know how much I care about her.

"Okay. I'll try. Just..." Andrew looked around, searching for something. "Get me something of hers." Hope rose in my chest and I ran down the hall into Alex's  master bedroom. I snatched her Panic! At the Disco shirt off the floor and ran back to Andrew.

"Will this work?"

"Yeah. Now move, you might mess up the scent." He told everyone and we backed away from him. Andrews's eyes flashed gold and then he brought the shirt to his nose. We stood in silence for a while, then Andrews's eyes stopped glowing. "O-okay. When do we leave?" Price began to walk towards the hallway that lead to the elevators.

"We leave now." He said loudly. We raced after him and crowded into the elevator.

"Jordan... I'm sorry for what I did." Evan whispered to me as Andrew and Price talked.

"Its fine. We're all upset." I said flatly. I wasn't in the mood to speak. Right now my girlfriend and one of my best friends were gone, and I needed to get them back. Girlfriend... The word brought a smile to my lips. I was going to get her back, no matter the cost.

Alex's POV

"Throw her in." A familiar voice said. My eyes fluttered open to see Tony.

"Xavier, that's a far drop-." Tony was caught off by my uncle's venomous words.

"Exactly you idiot." Xavier growled. He looked younger. As if time itself had given him his youth back. I wasn't wearing my dress anymore. Instead I wore black leggings and a white loose shirt. Who the Hell changed me?I squirmed in Tony's arms, desperately trying to get away. Where was I? Where's Maxwell? Is he okay?

"Let me go!" I screamed. Tony looked at me apologetically.

"I'm sorry Alex." He said. Just as I looked at him confused, he let me go. Before I knew it, I was plummeting into darkness.

"MAXWELL!" I cried. My body slammed against cold hard material and I heard a limb break. My right arm engulfed in pain then suddenly became numb. Evil laughter filled the darkness and I looked upwards. Light poured into the deep area I was in, so I shielded my eyes. Xavier and Tony were peering over what looked like a door frame. Xavier had a crooked smile on his face, a frown on Tony's. Why the fuck did he care? He was working for my physcopath if an uncle.

"Alexandria, don't make this any harder for yourself." He laughed. I felt a sarcastic remark flowing through my thoughts. I balled my fist in anger.

"Bite me." I snapped. My uncle wrinkled his nose and snapped his bony fingers. Instantly, I felt a cold liquid form around me. Water. Are you fucking kidding me?!

"Oh my poor niece, your power will soon be mine." Xavier spat. I had no idea what he was talking about, but I knew it was nothing good. Just as I was about to scream at him, large metal doors closed his face out. I was immediately engulfed in darkness and the water was rising. Shit. My arm felt like it had already healed, so I quickly got to my feet and ran around. My bare feet slapped against water and the ground, then I threw myself at the walls. I needed to get out of here. It was dark and terrifying. Did the others realize I was gone? Were they coming for me? With a trembling hand, I grasped the pendant around my neck as my eyes began to burn.

"This is it. This is how I die. A 17 year old virgin Princess." I sobbed. I at least hoped I wouldn't of been a virgin before I died. Just as I crumpled to the ground, the pendant in my hand pulse and glowed red. I looked at it confused and it hummed against my hand. "Jordan..." I whimpered. I needed him so much right now, yet he probably had no idea where I was or how to get to me.

The water around me was about to my ankles now. The container I was in was filling fast. Good thing this place is godly large, I thought. The pendant pulsed in my hand again and it began to warm me. It felt so familiar... I began to cry harder when I realized whose heat that was. Jordan. Somehow, I suddenly knew they were coming for Maxwell and me. As if it had clicked on a little beaker in my head. I held the glowing ruby close to my chest as I pulled my knees close to me. A sudden jolt of electricity went through the water, sending agony through me. I cried out in pain and held the pendant tighter, tight enough my hands began to bleed. Well, either it was blood or water. Did it really matter? I was probably about to die with my boyfriend and my bestfriends searching for me. The fact that I referred Jordan as my "boyfriend" brought a weak smile to my face.

"Jordan... Help me..." I called out into the darkness. In return, another pulse of electricity zapped through the water and hit me. It hurt more then the last one. It felt my energy was being zapped from me. Wait. My eyes went wide in realization. Xavier was taking my power. My energy. My life. I don't know why, probably for his own personal greed. That's it, I thought. Once I get out of here, I'm killing that bitch.

Heyyyyy guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Iwas typing this chapter and I just happened to be listening to Sleeping With Sirens ~Sorry~... I got a little emotional during the middle of it XD. But anyways, what do you guys think? Thought I should of made it dramatic in some way :3
Vote, comment, sharezzzz! I'll try to update during the holidays because I get bored easily XD.
Until the next chapter!

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