Chapter Thirty-Seven: Everyone is Suddenly Hormonal

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Warning! This Chapter includes things that are probably for an mature audience! Not that I actually put smut in this story. Your welcome SomeRandomStranger13
Enjoy peeps :3

After my uncle's trial, Severn drove everyone home and I don't think I've ever been so happy. My uncle was paying for what he's done to me and my friends. The only bad thing that came out of that was his son, Michael Ford. We didn't argue, we actually stayed silent for a the most part. I felt bad for him. His own dad had called him weak, that's kinda fucked up.

Severn drove close to where Michael lived, but not exactly. I could understand why he didn't want us to know exactly where he lived. It's not like I didn't want him to know where me and my friends lived, I just preferred that he didn't. I mean, it's not like we were going to stop by at each other's place anytime soon. When it was just me and my friends in the jeep, Price turned on the radio. The twins and Andrew were in the far back while me, Jordan, and Dante sat in the middle seats. Price and Severn got the front seats and declared they were the only ones allowed to sit up there. We sat in a comforting silence until we got to to our building. I like to think of it as our building and not just mine because my friends do live here too. If it wasn't for me, they'd still be able to live in their home like normal-ish teens. When we did finally got into our building, everyone went to their rooms.

The place was now a scary silent but I couldn't blame anyone. We just got back from court and found out I had a cousin. Jordan was the only one that had actually known about the woman from the restroom, but something Price knew something was up. I walked into mine and Jordan's room, feeling completely exhausted.

"I'm gonna take a shower." I told Jordan before literally starting to strip off some of my clothes in front of him. His coppery eyes looked over my body and I blushed a little. "Stop staring." I glared at him and he smirked.

"Go take your shower." He said playfully. I grabbed a fresh clean towel and wrapped it around my half naked body. It was then that I realized my hair had gotten longer. My dark hair had reached a little bit lower then my shoulders and it kinda terrified me. Maybe I'll let it grow out, I thought with a shrug. I wondered off into the bathroom, not even paying any attention to what Jordan was doing.

When I got into the bathroom, I closed the door and striped the rest of my clothes off. Ugh, it's been a long ass day, I sighed. Just as I turned the shower on, a sudden wave of something I couldn't explain washed over me.
My body swayed for a split second, then I held onto the sink behind me for support. Woah, that wasn't exactly normal. I felt a sudden pulse of electricity go through me like earlier as a knock came at the door.

"Hey, are you okay in there?" Jordan's worried voice asked. I tried to take calming breathes but then again that isn't exactly easy when every nerve in your body is suddenly telling you to swing the door open and ride your boyfriend like a damn pony. Too detailed?

"Y-Yeah." I replied, my nerves still telling me to open the door. Is this what normal female vampires go through? God, I hope so.

"Are you sure?" I mentally frowned at the sound of Jordan's body slumping against the door.  What was he doing? Wait, what was I doing!? I pulled myself off the bathroom sink and leaned against the bathroom door myself. As my bare akin touched the door, another wave of electricity went through me. Not a bad electricity, more like an electricity wave of lust. It scared the Hell out of me. The shower was still on but I didn't care. I could literally feel Jordan's presence from the other side of the door. With a trembling hand, I touched the door as if it was the only thing that was stopping me from getting to him. Well, it was but that's besides the point!

"J-Jordan... What's happending?" I asked, suddenly breathless. Jordan shifted on the other side of the door, and I could tell his hand was searching the door for mine. I knew he eventually found it because another one of these damn waves hit me.

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