Chapter 1

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Amanda's POV

I groaned getting out of bed I hate school. No let me rephrase that I hate everything. Oh yea and it's my birthday yes what fun. Note sarcasm I hate birthdays it's the worst day ever the day when you'll probably find your mate. I don't need a mate Danger and Rouge made that clear they don't want mates. And the worst part there's a chance they could reject you which causes a hell lot of pain.

Walking to the bathroom maybe I should look good today yes I'll look like a bad ass. I wonder if they would still recognize me. I let my hair down why should I dress up for those bitches (outfit is image above).

Grabbing my bag I sniffed the air when the coast was clear I raced through the door running to school hoping the day would go by fast I'm really early like two hours early. Maybe I can get a quick snack I'm starving. I looked around and made sure no one was looking they can't know about my powers.

Shifting into my reaper my skin dissolved leaving my skeleton a dark blue robe covered my bones I had a huge scythe in my hands and there was smoke at my feet in couldn't walk in this format only float.

Since I'm one of the strongest reapers out there I can talk to dead people like Nova she's my best friend and girl that died at the school I found her crying in the bathroom. She died because they pushed her head down the toilet, slammed it into the sink then locked her in the bathroom to bleed to death. There so evil I would normally praise them but I have my pride to keep and a promise: Never kill unless necessary.

"Hey bestie" Nova greeted floating over to me. I smiled but she probably couldn't see it since it's my skull alone showing.

"Hi Nora" I said I sounded weird like two people talking at the same time.

"Go get something to eat then we can talk you sound weird now" she laughed I joined in which again sounded awful like someone screaming for help.

I spotted a deer drinking water by the creek so I went up to it. Knowing it wouldn't run away. Why? Since it can sense my power if you see a reaper in there true form trust me you would not want to run it would just anger them more. A powerful reaper can take up to six souls at the same time and not be weak while a normal reaper can take up to two to three and it takes a huge amount of energy.

I chopped it's head up with my scythe then sucked it's soul I know it's not humans or supernaturals soul but it will keep me until about next week or until this Friday. Making sure no one was watching it changed back my hair was still there but my skull was all painted and pampered. I hate it I think it makes me look weaker when I'm not.

Turning to face Nova who was talking to Jake her boyfriend I'm so happy for them.

"Uh guys I'm right here" I made my presence known the looked at me and smiled.

Jake had black hair and green eyes while Nova had pink hair and blue eyes.

"Amanda how nice to see you again" Jake greeted did I forget to mention he was a prince he died in a car crash sad because his brother did it to take the throne.

"The pleasure is mine now could we move closer to the school I don't want to be late" I whined walking through the forest.

"Can we come I've never been to high school before" Jake beamed I could see Nova tense.

"Maybe not today" I told him looking in Nova's direction. 

"No its okay I want to show them what they did to me haunt them in a way" she smirked evilly oh shit I am in so much trouble.

"But I need to look presentable" she whined looking at her over sized sweater and jeans with converse sneakers.

"Take of the sweater and tie it around your waist then but your hair in a ponytail" I ordered she did as told wow such little things made a big difference.

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