Chapter 28

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Amanda's POV

This is it. The day I escape this hell whole. I stayed this long thinking Tyler would come but he didn't. I was disappointed I thought I meant something to him but I guess I was wrong.

Being here has made me rethink all my choices. All the decisions I've made in life. Becoming who I am today wouldn't have happened if what happened in the past was different but I just wish it had happened a different way.

I heard the door open and a small smirk creep on my face. Jackson walked in with Shawn someone I've grown to know. It's been a week since I've been kidnapped and no sign of any attempts to rescue me. Well then I'll have to save myself.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty " Jackson said throwing water on me. Ahhhh that felt nice.

"Get up baby doll wouldn't want to over sleep now would we" I stayed silent. Slowing my heart beat I let Danger out so there was not heart beat at all but I didn't shift not yet.

"Shit" Jackson cursed seeing I had no pulse.

"What?!" Shawn asked worried.

"She has no pulse" I knew what would happen to them if Liam found me this way. He would flip and may even kill them.

"Shit what do we do?" Shawn asked freaking out.

"Nothing" I said standing up phasing through the chains. It's been a while since I've done that years actually.

"That felt nice" I stretched my muscle ignoring the fact that two werewolves were looking at me in shock.

"How did you-" I cut him off.

"Look I'm in a generous mood so I'll let you for the hook just this once. It was amusing how you tired to break me. But you can't. You see I'm already broken. Now you have one minute to run before I go on a rampage " they didn't move.

I summoned my staff then got into a fighting stance this time they moved but time was up. I swinger it at Jackson who barley dogged. Let's see if I take down these two I have about fifty more left outside do I take this chance. Nah!

I easily took down Shawn then chained up Jackson looking at him with disappointment.

"You didn't even put up a fight. Well I can't stay places to go people to kill. I'll be borrowing these but the way" I stripped him of his guns and smiled as they were fully loaded.

"Toodles I'll be sure to say goodbye for you don't worry" and with that I walked out the cell shooting anything that movd. It felt so good to be back and this time I was alone just how I like it.


Is this how I'm supposed to live. Killing people for fun. It's not right but it's in my nature.

Is it worth it?

Is my lifestyle safe for those around me?

I don't know. I don't want to put people in danger yet I kill anyone I see fit to die. I live by a code everyone deserves to live but do I? I'm starting to question my whole life. What I've worked for in life.

Being who I am right now. Would I change anything? Am I where I want to be. Is there something wrong with me. Am I losing it. I fell so lonely all by myself  I need someone to help me get through life but there's no one there.

I shut everyone put I let everyone down. I've been shutting out all of them fearing they find out the real me. I shut out the one person who was made for me. I just left them. But no one would care for a monster like me.

I have killed entire packs, cities, races. But why do I feel so empty. It's like all the joy I once had is now gone. I'm alone in life. I refuse to accept the fact that I'm nothing.

I've blocked out my emotions and now I'm just ruthless. What happened to me not caring what others think of me. I know the meaning of pain and I want others to know it as well.

I am who I am and I will not change. I have come this far in life why stop now. What am I saying I'm a mess. I couldn't even protect my mate. But he didn't protect me.

I growled crushing my glasses that was filled of wine. I was taking a blood bathe in my targets bathroom. What I'm not letting it go to waste. And beside he's dead already.

My mate. Tyler Kingsley the one who's supposed to care for me couldn't even get up and look for me. I've been gone for a week make that one week and two days and nothing. He doesn't care. He's just like my brothers and......him.

They don't care about me. No one does. And that's why I don't care about anyone.

That son of a bitch wouldn't even help me. I've been out here risking ,you life for that worthless Asshole who doesn't care. I've put so much effort into making people accept me when they don't they just don't care!

'He does care' Rouge whispered.

'Wake up! He doesn't care we've been missing I've been to his pack and not once have I seen him get up and look for me he's sending other people making up excuses. He just doesn't care!' Frost spread were I slammed my fist.

I didn't care about that I was furious. He doesn't care! I can't believe this is thought a mate was supposed to help you but he hasn't. For the first I thought someone could love me but the dont.

Is it okay to be upset. I felt tears steam down my face. Wait am I crying for that pup. I quickly whiped them away then stood up still naked. I smirked at my work.

"You know you should really touch up the place George " I patted is head avoiding the dagger that's went through his head.

I wrapped a towel around me and God dressed in my assassin's uniform. Once ready I took up his glass of wine. Then took a sip it didn't have wine it had blood.

"Tastes nice" I complimented him.

"I hope to do that again sometime " and with that I jumped through the door. Feeling excited. I can't wait till my next kill.


Hello there!

Amanda are you feeling okay. And what's up with the frost man don't go turning all Elsa on me. I hope you enjoyed it promise the next post will be a segment of Angelwings TV don't worry. Anyway that's if for this chapter please comment and vote thank you so much.

I love you guys 😚😚😚😚😚

Bye Angels 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇

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