Chapter 16

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Amanda's POV

I took up my suit which consisted of a brown blazer, white undershirt and a brown pencil foot shirt with low heels. I got changed in the restroom built inside me office I'm still not comfortable with the Tyler here.

"You fired him?" was the first question he asked I stepped out fully changed.

"I did okay" I took up my files and handbag making sure to have all the important thing checked. Let's see phone, glasses, files, purse, tampons. Yup I'm ready.

"Let's go" I walked out my office with him trailing behind me. We both walked into the elevator it was silence until he spoke up.m

"So your their boss" I nodded as we excited the elevator. I needed to hurry up it was 6:00 and I had to get back to Tyler's pack before midnight.

"I'll drive " he offered I looked around then growled softly stepping into my car one of the cheapest ones I one a 2016 red Ferrari.

"Fine you drive. I'm okay with that" I watched as he carefully entered my car.

"Nice car!" he complimented I didn't reply I just sped off hoping I wasn't in to much trouble this was a three hour meeting.

"So...tell me about your self?" I glanced at him through my pherpial vision. Is he serious.

"There isn't much to tell" I said bluntly.

"Oh come on miss big bad reaper afraid.....well then tell me your life story your childhood and so forth"  I gripped the steering wheel tighter.

" parents were the best  I could ask for so where my brothers...we were the perfect family parents got caught and we're acused of forbid love you see they were the first to mate with another they were killed" I told him with a straight face trying not to seem phased.

"I...I'm sorry for your lost" I nodded keeping my eyes on the road.

"Enough about me what's your life story?" I asked plainly.

"Hmm...I grew up with my loving parents and little sister Skylar Marco" my head snapped in his direction.

"Is her name Skylar Juliette Marco?" I asked.

"Yeah how'd you know" I now regretted my decison a week ago.

"How is she?" I asked he sighed and continued his story.

"She....started doing drugs getting high and going out with random guys. I told her she needed to stop but she didn't listen. She accidentally got pregnant with her abusive boyfriend that was when she reviewed her life and came to me. But I told her that I was going to give her a house but she had to sort this out her self and that's the last I saw her" he whispered the last part.

"Well you'll see her soon enough pass my phone" he took my bag and began searching through it as I drove in through the parking lot. I easily parked the car then glanced at Tyler who had a faint hint of pink on his cheeks.

"Whats wrong?" I asked looked at what he was staring at. My tampons!

"Gimme that!" I dragged it form him opening the car door. He followed still blushing god he looked adorable. Snap out of it!

"Let's just go" I pressed the bottom on the car keys locking the car. We walked side by side until we reach the entrance being stopped by the guards.

"Name, reason your here" the guards asked looking at my up and down then back up until his eyes settled on my breasts causing Tyler to growl lowly.

"Amanda Black, this is my colleague were here for the meeting with the boss" I said to him showing him my ID. He nodded letting me in.

"Miss Black your here" Lucas called out with Kayla they were both sitting down in the waiting room. Good were early the meeting is supposed begin now. As if un cue a lady in her midtwenties came in and called us in but I had to show her my I'd seeing she didn't let me in.

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