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"How is she?" He asked looking at he picture.

"She's strong enough. She exceeded my expectations in becoming the most powerful reaper out there" he smiled.

"That's my girl" I stood by his side wondering what to do next.

"Sir. You need to see this" I glanced at my master waiting to see his reaction.

"What is it?" He asked his voice hard as stone.

"The boy. He's missing!"

"What do you mean missing find him!" Master roared I flinched.

"He's vanished they left a note but the girl took it up first" Oh no.

"Find him. Now and don't come back until you do!"

Amanda POV

I round house kicked him sending him straight through a tree near by. Turning around just in time to catch the other ones fist right before it hit my face. I twisted it behind his back then kneed him in the stomach.

I let his body drop to the floor then stepped over it moving towards my target. He stepped back but seeing I wasn't in the mood for any crap I just took out my gun and shot him.

I was about to leave when my phone rang. Shit Sam!

"Hey Sam. How you doing" I asked nervously kicking the guy that was about to get back up.

"Where are you" I punched the first guy in his face then kneed him in the shin.

"I'm busy right now" I said taking out my dagger and stabbing one in the eyes. Just two more and we're done.

"Busy my ass. Get down here its had Haden's second birth day if your not here he's going to be devastated" I sighed breaking the last ones arm.

"Fine I'm coming bye bestie"

"Bye!" Bipolar much.


"Where's auntie" I frowned hearing him sniffle.

"She's not coming I'm sorry" I hate seeing him cry but there people after him and he could get hurt.

"Why not she promised"

"It's okay don't worry I'm sure she'll come eventually" my heart sank hearing him cry.

"Hush now go to sleep" I stayed a little longer until the door shut. Once I knew he was alone I stepped into his room not making a sound. I wish I could stay but I can't I have to protect him and my family there important to me and if I found out I put them in danger I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

"Hey buddy"

"Auntie Panda?" He asked looking around.

"Yup its me. I'm sorry I couldn't make it I was busy"

"It's okay"

"I love you okay. Your present is in the garden outside I hope you like it don't tell your mom through go to uncle Nicholas and tell him not your parents" I may have given him a sword or a gun maybe.

"Okay. Will I see you again?"

"Of course but without your parents knowing okay they don't want me near you" he nodded.


"Secret" I heard footsteps and quickly reacted.

"Bye, I'll see you soon" I jumped out his window just in time for his father my brother to rush in.

Good bye. I love you remember that.

I fled the scene quickly praying not to be seen. It's been so long and....Sam said I couldn't go near the bady that I was to dangerous. How am I supposed to feel about that I can't even see my nephew because of what I've become. For the fist time in a long time I'm scared.


Hello there!

That is a wrap for this book the sequel is almost out don't worry angels I won't let you down. On a side note I just read the awesome book called Frost. It was the best I'm not done but where I am now let's say things a pretty heated.

For mature audience but your all mature if your reading this book so whatever. Thank you for reading this post I love you so much. If your bored waiting for the sequel read my other books. Thanks.

Bye Angels 😇😇😇😇😇😇

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