Chapter 5

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Amanda's POV

"So your saying I have to go to school because of some murder since someone used the demons kings sign which is forbidden and let's not forget it's in my old packs territory" I told them refusing to go.

"Yes and you have to come on its only one year and your a senior just imagine all the pranks we could pull" Samantha begged. She's always wanted to go to high school.

"I'll be there too just not visible to other living beings" Nova said smiling. I rolled my eyes there is no getting out of this one is there.

"There is no getting out of this one is there?" I asked them annoyed.

"Nope" Nova said poping the P. I huffed laying down on my comfy bed they expect me to go to school again.

"Fine" I groaned into my fluffy pillow. Once I heard the high pitched squeals I knew for a fact I was going to regret this. Sometimes I wonder how I end up in this situations.

"Girls remember you have to visit Joshua's territory since it was a member of there pack who was killed" aunt Natalie said. I groaned I'm trying to avoid them not help them.

"Yeah sure we'll just go now" Samantha said grabbing my arm while pulling my to the front door. Why! I hate them darn you council.

'Let's just get this over with" Rouge said in annoyance.

"Okay so when we get there I need you guys to put these on tell them where strictly business" Samantha said holding up two large bags.

I took the first one. Hmm maybe this could work it was a: white undershirt with a cream coloured knee length pencil foot shirt and a red blazer with strapped heels and red earnings. 

I went to the back of the Lamborghini since the windows were tinted I didn't worry. Changing into my new clothes I took up the file and my brief case then  put on my shoes. Nova was just sitting down looking through the window lucky her all she has to do is float around.

"Where here" Sam said pulling up the car right in front of the house. I opened the door brief case in hand then stepped out taking of my shades like in the movies.

All head snapped in my direction as my steps echoed through the silence and my hair bounced in every step I took. Smirking as the guys drooled and the girls gave my death glares.

Once I reached the steps Sam was by my side in an instant she too was dressed up. I knocked the door with a fake smile plastered on my face I knew there where council members in there but they sent me so it wouldn't be a surprise.

"Who could it.....uh.............come in" Andy said opening the door. I nodded and me and Sam went in. Immediately I was greeted by a council member and seven shocked faces.

"Good Morning gentle men. I'm Miss Black and I work with the FBI were here to ask a few questions may we come in?" I asked them Andy nodded still confused.

"Uh....sure" he said moving out of the way now I clearly saw my brothers, Joshua, Ashley and the council member who we saw yesterday.

"Ah you made t" he greeted. I smiled and sat down beside him. He seemed to be shocked by my actions since he visibly tensed. What's up with him.

"As you all know there have been cases of three missing girls which all attend your school one of them Evalean ,a member of your pack, was found dead with the forbidden sign marked on her skin as you know we this is treason against the supernatural law. Now the council has called in the alpha team to do further investigation. We would like to have permission to attend the high school which is in your territory" I stated cutting to the case I hated the glares Ashley was sending me.

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