Chapter 27

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Amanda's POV

Where am I?

What happened?

These questions raced through my mind as I regained consciousness. My werewolf genes kicked in allowing my eyes to a just to the dim light in the room.

"Ah your awake" I looked up to see Jackson and growled.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"It's not what I want it's what you have to give. I see no pleasure in keeping you here tied up. I want something that can not be achieved. But non the less someone has volunteered to help" I raised and eyebrow leaning back on the wall behind me. I was chained up wih silver so I couldn't escape but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try.

"And who 'volunteered'?" I asked amused.

"Oh just your alpha"

"I have no alpha" he laughed.

"Of course you do. Now please welcome our guest Michael Richards" my head snapped in the other direction as the devil him self walked through the door.

"You!" I sneered pulling on the chains. They didn't burn I just couldn't break them.

"Yes Amanda it's me. Breathe it in" I growled at him.

"Behave. This is our guest. While he's here Liam has asked my to gather some information on you"

"What kind of information?"

"Valuable information" I watched him intensely.

"Go on" he laughed then opened my cell.

"What do you know about Rosalie Parkais?" How did he find out.

"Nothing much all I know she was the first ever female reaper" I stated.

"We already know that. Well we can't get much information form you. Where is the book?" I shrugged.

"Don't know. Although I would if you hadn't sent the alarm to Tyler. I mean seriously just when I was about to find the truth you sent an army of Rouges to set him on edge" he mumbled something I didn't quite catch.

"You know where it is and you will tell me"

"I don't have to really it's my choice"

"Just watch I'll wipe that smirk of your pretty little face" I laughed.

"Try" I challenged. He now smirked and walked out the cell.

"Cue the fireworks" I was confused until I let jolts of electricity run through my veins while he laughed at my pain.


"It hurts doesn't it?" Jackson asked as he whiped me again I kept smirking avoiding my pain.

"I've been through worse-ahh" I screamed this time he stabbed me in my shoulder.

"Doesn't sound like it. All this could stop if you give up your the girl"

"Never" I spat in his face. He slapped me in response.

"What does she mean to you anyway. I mean really you barley even know her"

"She's too young"

"And you aren't were not going to kill her"

"What your going to do is leave her as an empty shell" I argued.

"She was born to die her parents are died there's not use to let her live on" he fought back.

"Everyone deserves to live" I countered.

"That's a lie and you know it"

"But it's also what I stand by" he laughed.

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