Chapter 7

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Amanda's POV


I was walking with a little boy that looked a lot like.....Joshua? How is that possible.

"Daddy" the boy called out looking behind him. I was smiling for some reason I don't know why I was so happy.

"Hey honey" Joshua said kissing, my cheek. I was supposed to be disgusted by his but I wasn't for some reason.

"Hey handsome" I replied hugging him.

"Daddy look what I found " the little boy said holding Joshua by that hand then dragging him to.....the place where I left my warning.

I rushed over there as Joshua turned to me with an angry expression written clearly on his face.

"What is that!" he barked at me. I don't know why but I took a step back.

"Im..sorry I didn't tell you" I said holding my head down in shame as tears rolled down my eyes.

"Don't give those fake sadness tears why the fuck didn't you tell me you were her" he screamed again now pushing me down. I don't know why but I was scared right then and there.

"No daddy" Joshua silenced the boy by ripping his head of then throwing it at the mark I left.

"This is what you wanted isn't it...I'll make you pay for killing my parents starting with your child" he said smiling evilly as he pulled out a dagger.

I looked down to see if I was ........pregnant. How....why is this happening now.

"Joshua calm down...please don't hurt her" I begged him as he neared my stomach he only laughed and said "That's exactly what my father said ".

Everything went black until I was tied up again by Liam and this time he had a dagger in his hand wait...I was still pregnant.

"Amanda have you decided it's in either marry me our die" he laughed trailing along my stomach with the dagger.

"No please dont..please" I begged him trying to free myself. For the first time in forever I felt helpless.

"Wrong answer" he said then stabbed me in the stomach drawing a line straight down to me chest then he stopped.

I screamed in pain as he cut out more and more of my stomach until he finally reached the premature baby.

"Please don't do this" I begged screaming again as he parted the two halves of my stomach he knew this wouldn't kill me nothing can kill a reaper other than a angels sword straight through the heart and skull.

"Ah ah ah..shh the bady is here you wouldn't want to wake her would you." he asked laughing as her pulled it out of me.

"Hush now final chance marry me or you die?" he asked picking up a larger sword but with gloves. My eyes widened as I realized what he was going to do. I waited for impact but it never came instead I was greeted to a person screaming "Where losing her!"

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